Starscream ( Armada ) x Reader ( Nightmares )

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Third Person's POV

It was three in the morning and Y/N was sleeping in the arms of her boyfriend. She and Starscream have been together for two years now. She had her head on his chest and he had his right arm around her body. They were sleeping peacefully when Starscream began sweating vigorously. His body began to move around the bed causing Y/N to wake up. She rubbed her eyes with her hand.

Y/N: ''Starscream?''

She looked up at and saw him having a nightmare. As she sat up, she gently began to shake his hand.

Y/N: ''Starscream wake up.''

That was the first time she saw him having a nightmare. He shook violently.

Starscream: ''No...leave her't...don't touch her.''

Y/N became worried.

Y/N: ''Starscream wake up you are having a nightmare.''

She said as she shook him a little more.

Starscream: ''NO! PLEASE! NO Y/N!''

Y/N took a hold of his hand.

Y/N: ''Starscream wake up! Wake up!''

Just then his eyes opened and before Y/N knew he was on top of her. He had a good grip of her hands holding her down.

Y/N: ''It's me Starscream. It's okay. Just a nightmare.''

Starscream realized that it was Y/N, so he quickly let go of her hands. As he got up from the bed, he took a few steps back.

Starscream: ''I'm sorry. I'm sorry.''

He said. Y/N went to him.

Y/N: ''It's okay. It was only a nightmare.''

Starscream looked at her and that's when he saw that he hurt her. Both of her hands had a bruise on because he grabbed her ho much.

Starscream: ''I did this.''

Y/N looked at the way Starscream was looking. When she saw bruises, she quickly looked at him.

Y/N: ''It's okay Starscream. I'm fine.''

Starscream looked down.

Starscream: ''I should never put my hands on you. You are my mate.''

Y/N took a hold of his hands and their eyes meet.

Y/N: ''I'm okay Starscream. It will heal.''

They took a seat on their bed.

Y/N: ''Do you want to tell me about your nightmare?''

She asked as she was still holding his right hand. At first, he was quiet, but he began to talk.

Starscream: ''I dreamed that Unicorn came back, and he took you away from me. I was looking for you bout I couldn't find you. But when I did, I saw you dead. He killed you.''

Y/N saw tears that were coming down his eyes. He placed her hands around him and embraced him in a hug that he needed.

Y/N: ''He will never take me away from you Starscream. I love you.''

He hugged her back.

Starscream: ''I love you too my Y/N.'' 

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