Bumblebee ( RID ) x Reader ( Megatron's Granddaughter )

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Third Person's POV

Their story started when they first meet a year ago. Y/N begged her grandfather Megatron to allow her to go on the mission for some artifact. Because Megatron knew that she was well trained he allowed her to go. As she and her Decepticons found the artefact there came Bumblebee with his team. Just before the fight could began Y/N and her team got away with the artefact. Because Megatron was so impressed with her skills he allowed his granddaughter to go on more missions.

Many times, Y/N and her team fought against Bumblebee and his teams. Bumblebee was always so impressed by her skills. For a human she knew the moves that many transformers could not do. But one time they came a giant explosion and Y/N was send flying. She was flying to her dead when suddenly a robot hand caught her. At first, she taught that it was one of her Decepticons but as she looked up, she saw an eyes of yellow Autoboth. Her enemies saved her life.

The moment they made eye contact the time around them stopped. Their sparks began to beat faster. They knew that they were destined for each other. She was his mate and he was hers. They started to see each other in secret because it was dangerous. But Megatron soon found out about them. At first, he was furious. His granddaughter and an Autoboth. He called his granddaughter to him and asked her about it. Y/N knew it was better to tell him the true. So, she did.

Megatron: ''But he is an Autoboth.''

Y/N nodded her head.

Y/N: ''It's true that he is an Autoboth. But I can't help it. My spark chose him, and his spark chose me.''

Megatron turned around and took a few steps away from the girl.

Y/N: ''You couldn't do anything when your spark chose my grandmother and she was a human.'' 

Megatron knew that his granddaughter war right. His mate was a human and he couldn't do anything to keep her away from him. No matter what he did his spark would always bring him back to her. He lost her as he lost his son to soon. His mate died giving birth to their son and his son died with his wife in car accident. It was hard for Megatron. But he had to stay strong for Y/N. She was only ten years old when she lost her parents. He wanted her to be happy.

Megatron: ''You really do love him.''

Y/N: ''I can't express how much I love him. He is the one.''

Megatron turned around so he could look at her.

Megatron: ''If he makes you happy so be it.''

So that's how Autobots and Decepticons made peace. Five months later Bumblebee decided to ask Megatron for his granddaughter's hand in marriage. Megatron knew how much Bumblebee loved his granddaughter so he gave him his blessing. The same day Bumblebee asked Y/N to merry him and of course she said yes. The wedding was on the first summer day and those months went by so fast. Two days before the wedding Bee found Y/N on the floor in her room crying. Quickly he went to her.

Bumblebee: ''Y/N what's wrong? Why are you crying?''

The girl looked at him.

Y/N: ''I need to tell you something.''

Bumblebee nodded his head so she would continue.

Y/N: ''I...I'm...I'm...''

Bumblebee: ''You're what? Are you not sure about the wedding?''

Y/N: ''NO! No, it's not that.''

Bumblebee: ''So what is it?''

Y/N took a deep breath.

Y/N: ''I'm a mermaid.''

( The next part will come coon. )

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