Optimus Prime ( TP ) x Reader ( Who Do You Call First ? )

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Reader's POV 

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I was driving away from the base. My heart was broken. Ever since I became a part of team Prime I had feelings toward the leader of Autobots. He was not just my friend but my guardian as well. He protected me every time Decepticons would come after me. My feelings toward him were driving me insane. So one day I decided to tell him.

When I found him talking to Ratchet and Bumblebee I asked him to talk in private. As we came to his room he changed into his human form. He could see that something was on my mind. I was so nervous. When I finished talking about my feeling he pulled me into a long passionate kiss. Optimus Prime was my first kiss! 

He told me that he had feelings for me as well, so we began to date. We were really happy together. But like every couple, Optimus and I had problems. We weren't perfect. Don't believe me? Why do you think I'm driving away from him in tears that keep on coming and coming. We had a fight. 

I know that you want to know more about what happened, but... I don't want to talk about it. No of course he wasn't aggressive. It's just that I don't walk to talk about it. Of course, I still love him. It's just that after this fight I don't know how to speak to him again. For a moment I closed my eyes so I could try to calm myself down when I heard a horn. 

The moment I opened my eyes I saw a truck driving towards me. As quickly as I could I turned my wheel to the left, trying to move out of the tucks way. But my car went out of control and... Because of the speed, my car began to roll. It felt like years before I stopped. I was upside down. Blood was coming down from my head down to each cheek. 

I was trying to remove my seatbelt but my body wasn't allowing me. I was scared to move because of the pain. I could see that the driver of the truck was nowhere to be seen. I was all alone in a desert. Hurt and scared. 

Looking down I saw my phone between the broken glass, a little away from me. I needed to call for help. A scream of pain left my mouth as I was trying to reach for my phone. It took me a couple of times before I got it. 

Who do you call first? When you get in an accident or when you need help. Who do you call? 

I called Optimus. Why? Why didn't I call my parents or the emergency phone? 

Because if I was dying on my knees, Optimus would be the one to rescue me. And he did save me. He came at a great speed scared that he would be too late to save me. The moment I was in his arms I began to cry. 

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