Knockout ( TP ) x Reader ( Invitation )

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Reader's POV

It was Saturday evening and as me and my boyfriend were watching a horror movie, I was about to take a slip of my favorite drink. But there was no sip because I ran out of it. There was just one little drop of the soda but that was not enough for me.

Me: ''I will be right back. Do you need a drink too?''

Knockout: ''No thanks.''

He said not even removing his red eyes away from the TV. He loved horror movies. As I came into the kitchen, I opened the fridge and took out my favourite drink. As I was about to take a sip my clumsiness came, and I spilled my drink all over my white shirt.

Me: ''Oh fuck me.''

The moment I said that I heard the TV turn off.

Me: ''That wasn't invitation!''

I said as I placed the empty bottle on the counter. As I took off my wet shirt there came a hand around my waist and his chest touched my back.

Me: ''Knockout leave me alone. I'm pissed right now.''

I ruined my white shirt and I lost my drink. What a great evening. I was so angry that I could break a plate. But there came a kiss on my neck that spread electricity all around my body. I cheeks were red in a second. I turned around and the moment I did he picked me up. I had my legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. We began to kiss, and he began to carry me to our bathroom. No more horror movies for tonight, I guess. 

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