Ironhide X Reader ( My Decision )

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Third Person's POV 

They meet two years ago. Ironhide was assigned to work together with humans on a really important mission. He was assigned together with Y/N who was Lennox's younger sister. At first, it was hard for both of them to work together. Both of them were really good leaders when it came to battles and tactics. Also, both of them were really proud so it was extra hard to tell who's battle plan was better.

But after both of them were almost killed they began to work together. They became great partners in battles and soon they became friends. Through the years of working together, they became really connected. So close that they trusted each other completely. Y/N was in her room, getting ready for the new mission when Ironhide came in. The moment he came into the room a big smile grew on Y/N's face making his spark beat faster. She was perfect from inside and out and Ironhide was not blind not to see this. 

Y/N: ''Hey Ironhide. What's up?'' 

Ironhide: ''Came to check if you are ready.'' 

Y/N: ''Yeah almost.'' 

She said as she placed one more gun into her bag. Like Ironhide, Y/N was a really big lover of guns and cannons. To be honest Ironhide didn't come to see her just because he wanted to know if she was ready to leave. He also came because he wanted to give her something. 

Ironhide: ''Hey I have something for you.'' 

Y/N looked at him with a suspicious look. He offered her his hand. 

Ironhide: ''I know that you are not a fan of jewelry so I got you this.'' 

He took her hand and placed a necklace inside it. It was an Autobot sign necklace. Y/N wasn't a person that would wear necklaces but this she would wear. 

Y/N: ''It's beautiful Ironhide.'' 

A smile of relief grew on his face. She placed the necklace around her neck and looked at him with a smile. 

Y/N: ''Thank you. It means a lot.'' 

Y/N didn't know this but that necklace meant that she was a spark mate of an Autobot. Ironhide wanted to tell her about his feelings but he wanted to wait for the right time. He decided to tell her after the mission. When everything was ready to go they left. The mission was going great...when... 


The second Y/N heard a click under her, she stopped moving and slowly looked down. Ironhide who was walking in front of her in his human form quickly looked back. 

Y/N: ''Ironhide...'' 

Ironhide: ''Don't move.'' 

He carefully approach her and stopped himself just in front of her. Going down on his knees Ironhide carefully began to remove leaves that were around Y/N's leg. Soon he found the bomb. 

Ironhide: ''Don't worry. I will deactivate it and you will be saved. Okay?'' 

Y/N: ''Okay.'' 

Really carefully Ironhide began to look around the bomb so he could deactivate it. But something was wrong and Y/N saw it. 

Y/N. ''How bad is it?'' 

Ironhide: ''It's glued. The son of a bitch glued it.'' 

Y/N: ''Oh...that's unfortunate.'' 

She said, her voice filled with fear. Ironhide quickly looked up at her. 

Ironhide: ''It's okay I will get you out of here. I promise. Okay?'' 

Y/N didn't say a word she just nodded. Ironhide stood up. 

Ironhide: ''I need to call for backup. It will take some time for them to get here but they will come and with their help, you will be safe.'' 

Even taught Ironhide was trying to stay calm his hands were shaking. After Ironhide called Optimus and Lennox for help he turned around and began to approach Y/N to check if she was all right when pales were being heard in the distance. 

Ironhide: ''Decepticons.'' 

Ironhide knew that the moment that Decepticons would see Y/N they would attack her and the bomb would go off. 

Ironhide: ''I know that this is going to be hard but I need to lead them as far away as I can from here. Okay?'' 

Y/N: ''Okay...okay yeah.'' 

Ironhide: ''The moment I'm done with them I will come back. I promise.'' 

Y/N: ''Okay.'' 

Taking a few steps back he turned into his robot form again then he transformed into his vehicle mode. The moment that he was away Y/N could feel tears rolling down her cheeks. She knew that this was the last time she would ever see him. 

The second Decepticon spotted Ironhide they began to shoot and fly after him. He was shooting back at them with his cannons. He was trying to be done with them as fast as he could so he could get back to Y/N. One after another the Decepticons were defeated. Ironhide quickly turned around and began to drive back to Y/N. Suddenly her voice came on the radio. 

Y/N: ''Ironhide...'' 

Ironhide: ''Y/N. I'm coming back. Are you all right?'' 

Y/N: ''I know how bad this bomb is. It can destroy everything from a mile away.'' 

Ironhide: ''Y/N do not move. Do you hear me? Don't move! I'm coming.'' 

Ironhide didn't know that some Decepticons had found Y/N and were coming to her location. 

Y/N: ''Ironhide you must know that I'm really happy to have you as my partner. You had taught me so much. I am just sorry that I could never look you in the eyes and tell you that I love you. But it's okay.'' 

Ironhide: ''Don't talk like this Y/N. Autobots and your brother are on their way.'' 

Y/N: ''Please tell my brother that I'm sorry. But this was my decision to protect you.'' 

Ironhide: ''Y/N DON'T DO THAT! YOU HEAR ME! DON'T!'' 

Y/N: ''I love you Ironhide. Maybe in another life.'' 

Ironhide: ''Y/N!'' 

A loud boom was heard and a strong pain hit Ironhide's chest making him scream in pain. Y/N was gone...

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