Megatron ( TP ) x Reader ( Sharing A Shower ) ( Smut )

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Third Person's POV

The second Y/N came home, she locked the doors behind her and drop her school bag on the ground. A really long day was behind her. First, it was her school. In one day Y/N had two presentations and two tests. Even taught she did an amazing job, her nerves were killing her. Then her job. Just because she was only five minutes late her boss was being an ass. He can go know what. 

But Y/N knew what will help her get into the better mode. Shower. As she began to walk towards the bathroom she began to undress not caring where she would live her clothes. Y/N has moved out of her parent's house a year ago so she knew that no one would be bothered to see her clothes just laying around. The moment hot water began to roll down her body, she began to relax. 

Y/N was so enjoying it that she did not even hear the doors of the bathroom open. But the second she felt hands on her shoulders her eyes burst open. Y/N jumped a little as she took a hold of the stranger's hands. 

Voice: ''It's me. Don't worry.'' 

Said a powerful voice behind her. The voice belonged to the mighty leader of Decepticons. 

Y/N: ''Fuck you scared me.'' 

Megatron: ''I'm sorry love.'' 

He said kissing her on the cheek as his strong hands gently went down her back. Megatron has been seeing Y/N ever since they first meet and that was seven months ago. Megatron knew from the first second that she was meant to be his queen.

Because of them being so bonded Megatron could in feel how bad of the mood Y/N was so he decided to change that. His strong hands gently went around her back as his lips touched her left shoulder. For a gladiator, who fought in many battles Megatron was always gentle when it came to his mate. 

He wanted her to feel his love and she did. With every word, kiss, or touch she could feel his love towards her. The second he began to place kisses towards her neck, a smile grew on Y/N's face. She knew what Megatron was trying to do and it was working. Placing her back against Megatron's chest she turned her head to her left so their lips could meet. Their lips went perfectly together. 

As Megatron's hands went around Y/N's body her lips turned into a big smile. She turned her body towards him and placed her lips to his once more. When the kiss was over Y/N looked up at Megatron's red eyes with a smile. 

Y/N: ''Thank you for helping me get into a better mood.'' 

Megatron: ''Oh love. I ain't finished yet.'' 

A big smile grew on Y/N's face as Megatron pulled her into another kiss and then carried her to the bedroom where they had a hell of a good time. 

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