Cliffjumper ( G1 ) x Reader ( Do I Trust Him? )

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Reader's POV

I was sitting on a sofa, reading a Wattpad story on my tablet, when Cliffjumper came into the room. The moment he saw me, he jumped over the sofa, took a seat next to me, and placed his right arm around me pulling me closer to him. 

Me: ''Good morning. How did you sleep?'' 

I asked as I turned my attention toward him. 

Cliffjumper: ''Slept like a sparkling.'' 

He said as he kissed the top of my forehead. For the whole night, he was out patrolling and he deserved to sleep a bit longer than usual. 

Cliffjumper: ''What are you reading?'' 

Me: ''Oh just a love story.'' 

Cliffjumper: ''You and your love stories.'' 

Rolling my eyes I kissed his right cheek and then continue reading the story when an idea came to my mind. 

Me: ''You know what?'' 

Cliffjumper: ''What?'' 

Me: ''Do you think I should trust Jazz?'' 

I asked as I placed my tablet on the coffee table. As I looked back at him I saw him looking at me with big wind eyes. 

Cliffjumper: ''Am...yeah you should.'' 

Me: ''But I don't think I do.'' 

Cliffjumper: ''What? Why?'' 

Me: ''You want to know why? Let me show you.'' 

I stood up from the sofa and went to get my phone. As I came back to him I began to call Jazz. The moment he answered I pressed the speaker button so Cliff could hear the conversation. 

Me: ''Hey Jazz.'' 

Jazz: ''Hey Y/N what's up?'' 

Me: ''Nothing much. Is Cliff with you?'' 

For a few seconds, Jazz was quiet. 

Jazz: ''Yeah he's with me.'' 

Me: ''Oh really?'' 

I asked giving Cliff a look. 

Jazz: ''Yeah we are driving around. Hey Y/N were are coming to a tunnel. Call me later, okay?'' 

Me: ''Oh okay. Bye.'' 

Placing my phone away I saw a smile growing on Cliff's face. 

Cliffjumper: ''It wasn't right for him to lie like that love. I'm sorry.'' 

Me: ''Now you know why I can't trust him.'' 

Cliffjumper: ''I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.'' 

He tackled me back into the sofa and began to kiss me on my cheeks trying to make me smile and it did work. 

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