Grimlock x Reader ( Protective Mate )

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Third Person's POV

It was in the middle of the night when a loud scream was heard waking up everyone in the junkyard.

Isabela: ''What's going on?''

She asked with her eyes barely opened.

Cade: ''Y/N is having a nightmare again.''

He said as he came out of his trailer. He began to run towards the trailer that Y/N was staying in when a giant tail came on his path. It was Grimlock.

Cade: ''What are you doing? We need to wake her up. Can't you hear she's having a nightmare?''

Cade tried to walk around his big tail but Grimlock did not let him. Just as Cade was about to protest again, Grimlock began to change. He changed into his human form, for the first time. He was tall, with black hair and red hunters eyes. He was dressed in all black.

Grimlock: ''I will help her.''

He said with a deep, serious voice. Cade took a steep back as Grimlocked gave him a stare that even Prime himself would step back. As Grimlock step into the trailer he saw Y/N in the middle of the bed screaming and shaking. He quickly approached her and as he took hold of her shoulders he gently began to shook her. 

Grimlock: ''Y/N. Wake up, love. Wake up.'' 

Her eyes opened and with great speed, she sits up. She was about to attack Grimlock but he took a hold of her hands stopping her. Their eyes meet. 

Grimlock: ''It's me Y/N. It's me.'' 

He said placing her hands down but not letting go of them as they were still shaking. He took a seat on the bed next to her legs. 

Y/N: ''I'm...s-sorry...Grimlock...'' 

Grimlock: ''It's okay. Come er.'' 

He said taking her in his lap. She was holding her legs close to her chest as she placed her head on his chest. His big hands came around her pulling her closer to his chest making her feel safe. 

Grimlock: ''The same nightmares?'' 

She didn't say a word, she just nodded her head yes. Grimlock knew that she was dreaming about her parent's wich were killed by Decepticons a few months ago. 

Grimlock: ''It wasn't your fault Y/N. You know that.'' 

Y/N: ''But...'' 

Grimlock: ''It wasn't your fault love.'' 

He said placing his chin on top of her head. It was him who found her that day. He promised himself that he will do anything to keep her safe. He took the blanket that felled on the ground and place it around her so she could be warm. Then he placed his back against the wall, with Y/N still in his lap, and began to wait. 

Y/N was in the arms of the bot she felt safe the most. With her head on his chest, she could hear his spark beating perfectly. She was listening and listening until her eyes became really heavy. 

Grimlock stayed awake until the morning keeping a close eye on his girl just in case she would have another nightmare. When she woke up she would look up to meet the red eyes of the bot that kept her safe. 

Y/N: ''Thank you.'' 

She said before sitting up and began to line in. As their lips met Grimlock placed his hand on her cheek to pull her closer in for a passioned kiss. 

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