Shockwave x Reader ( Attention )

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Today was one of those days that I really needed attention. You know hugs and kisses. But when you have a boyfriend who is always working on new projects is hard to get his attention. Like one time I was asking for his attention for two hours. Let me tell you I am really stubborn. As I came to his workshop I saw him working. He has been working on a new project for days no. He must take a break. 

Me: ''Hey Shockwave.''

Shockwave: ''Y/N.''

I came to him I looked up.

Me: ''Can you help me up?''

I asked. He looked at me and then he went down and offered me his hand. I stepped on his giant hand. He carefully put me on the table next to a new project that he was working on. It looked like a bug.

Me: ''Baby can you take a break?''

I ask as I looked at him. 

Shockwave: ''I have to finish it, love.''

Me: ''You have been working on that thing for days now. You need a break.''

Shockwave: ''Not until I finish it.''

Me: ''What is it?''

I ask and was about to touch it. I was always a fan of his experiments but many times I hated them because they took him away from me.

Shockwave: ''Y/N DON'T TOUCH IT.''

I quickly jump back.

Me: ''Why?''

Shockwave: ''It could activate.'' 

Me: ''By my touch?'' 

Shockwave: ''Just don't touch it.'' 

Me: ''You are scared for me. How lovely.''

Shockwave: ''Don't push it Y/N.''

He said and pick me up. He placed me on some kind of box that was on the table. Then he began to work again. Oh, I will get his attention.

Me: ''Take a break.''

Shockwave: ''No.''

Me: ''Please baby.''

Shockwave: ''I can't.''

Me: ''Okay. I guess I will have to go and find Starscream and ask him for some attention. I heard that he is good at it.'' 

Let me tell you I would never touch Starscream. One time I saw him in his human form and let me tell you no thank you. I jumped down the box and began to walk towards the end of the table so I would climb down it. But his big hand came just in front of me to stop me. I looked at him.

Shockwave: ''You wouldn't dare.''

Me: ''Take a break.''

I said. Just then his hand grabbed me. He turned himself in his human form with me in his arms.

Shockwave: ''As you wish.''

Let me tell you I got my attention. 

Transformers One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें