Ultra Magnus ( TP ) x Reader ( Kidnaped )

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Reader's POV

My eyes began to open but at first, I had a blurry vision. As my vison became normal, I saw that I was in a dark room. There was one light in the room, and it was just above me. I was hanging in the air with a chain around my hands. I must have been hanging there for hours now because my hands were in a lot of pain. It did not take me long to remember what happened. I was waiting for Ultra Magnus to pick me up from school when there came Starscream in his human form and kidnaped me. Just then the doors opened ant there I saw Megatron with an evil grim on his face. He stepped into the room quickly followed by Starscream. I knew that I was in big trouble.

Megatron: ''Well, well what do we have here? Ultra Magnus's mate.''

Me: ''Hello to you too Megatron. How have you been?''

Megatron: ''Don't try that game with me human. You will give me the location of your base.''

Me: ''Good luck with that.''

Megatron smiled and he knew that I knew that he knew that I was scare

Me: ''It doesn't matter what you will do to me I will never tell you the location of our base. Magnus will sooner or later find me, and you will be sorry.''

Megatron: ''She is all yours Starscream. Make her scream.''

Said Megatron and left the room. Starscream stepped closer to me and as he did, he pulled out an electric stick. The moment stick touched my body I screamed in pain. I never felt a pain like this. As Starscream removed the stick I took a breath.

Starscream: ''Where is it?''

Me: ''I...I will never tell you.''

Starscream continue to torture me. When he stopped again, he took a step closer. His red eyes were burning in evil.

Starscream: ''Location of your base human.''

I did not answer.

Starscream: ''TELL ME!''

Me: ''I...will...never...tell you.''

I said and as he was about to use the stick again there came a loud bang.

Starscream: ''What was that?''

The doors behind him opened and there I saw my mate with really pissed face.

Me: ''Magnus...''

He attacked Starscream with his hammer. Starscream screamed and ran out of the room. Magnus quickly came to me and realized me of the cains that were around my hands. He took me in his hand and our eyes meet before my eyes closed.

When I opened my eyes again, I was back in at the base laying on the medic bed. As I look at my right, I saw Magnus's back.

Me: ''Magnus.''

He quickly turned around and as he saw that I was awake he came to me.

Magnus: ''Y/N. How are you feeling?''

Me: ''Better.''

I said as I set up. He changed into his human form and as he did, he pulled me into his arms.

Magnus: ''I was so worried. I taught that I will never see you again.''

Me: ''I'm here because you found me. Thank you for saving my life.''

I said and we shared a kiss then we hugged again.

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