Knockout ( TP ) x Reader ( Cake With Colour )

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Reader's POV 

Learning that we were expecting a baby was the happiest news in both of our lives. As I was crying happy tears Knockout went down on his knees so he could proudly hug my stomach even though there wasn't any belly jet. But I could see that he was unable to help himself. 

Knockout: "Hey little one. It's daddy. You are a real surprise to us you know. But me and your mommy are really happy and we can't wait to meet you. We promise that we are going to be the best parents." 

Me: "Absolutely." 

Because this was going to be our first baby we both wanted to know the gender. Of course, Knockout could look by himself but I wanted to make it special. After weeks of waiting to know the gender I went to my doctor who found out what we were having then she placed the answer inside the envelope. 

Then I went to the bakery where I asked for them to make me and Knockout a cake with the coloring of our baby gander inside. The moment we got our small cake I took it to our kitchen and placed it on the counter. Then I took two glasses. 

Knockout: "Okay so the coloring of the cake will tell us the gender of our baby right?" 

Me: "Yes." 

Knockout: "But what are the glasses for?" 

Me: "We will use them to cut the cake at the same time. Just take a glass and push the glass inside." 

Knockout: "Let me guess. We look at the same time right?" 

Me: "Yes." 

He took the glass which I was offering to him and we both pepered them at the same time. 

Me: "Ready?" 

Knockout: "As ever." 

We both looked away at the same time. 

Me: "One. Two Three." 

Pushing the glass until the end of the cake I pulled the piece and turned the glass. I could feel the piece of the cake inside the glass. 

Knockout: "Shit I think I dropped my piece." 

Me: "That's okay. We can take a look at my piece. Okay?" 

Knockout: "Sure." 

Me: "Ready?" 

Knockout: "Yeah." 

We both turned to look at my glass at the same time and the moment I saw the colour tears began to gather in my eyes. 

Knockout: "A girl? We are getting a girl?" 

Me: "Oh my..." 

Placing the glass on the table I covered my mouth with both of my hands as tears began to pour out of my eyes. 

Knockout: "Yes we are having a girl! Yes!" 

He picked me up and swung me around happily. We were having a girl. A baby girl.

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