Thrust ( Armada ) x Cybertronian Reader ( The Right Words )

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Requested by: @GoldDriveFanNumber1

Reader's POV

Me and Thrust were sparring when I noticed that something was on his mind. Let me tell you that each time we would training he would give me a challenge. He wasn't a bad fighter so I really didn't know what was holding him back. Each time he tried to attack me I easily blocked his attack. It was like he wasn't even trying. It was getting a little annoying. As I got him on the ground I approached him. Something was on his mind and I really wanted to know what it was.

Me: ''I can see that something is on your mind. What is it?''

Thrust: ''Nothing.''

He said looking away from me as he stood back up.

Me: ''Thrust I know when you are lying to me.''

I said placing my hands on each side of my hips. 

Me: ''Is this about today's mission?''

For a moment he looked at me with his red eyes, but then he looked back away. I dismissed my Mini-Con so I could talk to Thrust privately. I knew that it was hard for him to open up but this time I wasn't going to let him go that easily. 

Me: ''You know it's not the first mission that we had failed and I believe that it's not going to be the last one. I hate to admit it but Autobots are good.''

Thrust: ''It's not about the mission or that we lost another Mini-Con love. It's about losing Megatron's respect. Ever since I joined Decepticons I wanted to be respected by Megatron. The first missions that he put me in charge of went amazing. We got many Mini-Cons and we won many battles. But just like that everything went downhill. I can hear others talking as Megatron blames me for losing again. He throws me on the ground like trash. Am I really that worthless?''

Y/N approached him. She placed both of her hands on each side of his cheeks.

Me: ''Don't say that Thrust. You are not worthless. You are a smart Decepticon that always tries his best. Yes, sometimes not everything goes as planned, but you know that nothing will ever change Megatron. We all saw his bed temper. You mustn't give up. You had some bad days, but who doesn't have them?''  

He nodded because he knew I was right. Of course, I was always right.

Me: ''Besides why do you care what others may talk about your back. You know Demolisher and Cyclonus talked about my back so many times when I became a new member. That was until I showed them my way of shutting them up. Let me tell you that they begged for me to stop. So please don't listen and just try to do the best of your abilities. Okay?'' 

His cheeks becoming pink. He pulled me into a strong hug with I gladly returned. Then I gave him a kiss on the cheek making his cheeks becoming even pinker. 

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