Jazz ( G1 ) x Reader ( Her Protector )

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I was putting my things in my locker when my phone rang. When I took it from my pocket I saw my love's name. I pressed the button and put the phone to my ear.

Phone call:

Me: ''Hey Jazz.''

Jazz: ''My love. I am almost there.''

Me: ''Great. I am just finishing putting my things in my locker. Then I will come and we can go.''

Jazz: ''Okay see you soon love.''

Me: ''By Jazz.'' 

End of phone call... 

I turn off the phone. Jazz is taking me to a date today. It was really stressful week behind me. I had three tests and one presentation. So Jazz the best boyfriend that he is is taking me to date to relax. As I put my math book in the locker room I heard someone behind me. I look back and saw Leo. Leo was the boy that was always on my hills. He wanted me to go on a date with him so bad. I already told him that I have a boyfriend and that there is no chance in hell that I will go on a date with him. But he doesn't stop. He was like a parasite. 

Leo: ''Hey Y/N.''

I look back at my locker. 

Me: ''Leave my alone Leo.''

Leo: ''Do you have any plans this evening?''

Me: ''That doesn't concern you.''

Leo: ''Let's go out. Me and you.''

Me: ''No.''

Leo: ''Come on. We could have a nice time.''

Me: ''I already told you that I have a boyfriend.''

Leo: ''Leave him. I could give you more than he does. Come on baby.''

A hand came on my waist. With great speed I turned around and with my right hand, I slapped his cheek hard. My handprint was on his cheek I slapped him that hard. 

Me: ''If you ever touch me again I swear to you that you will be sorry.''

I said. I closed my locker and was about to leave. But two hands grabbed me and pressed my body against my locker. Leo was holding my hands with his left hand above my head.

Leo: ''You shouldn't have done this.''

He said. From the corner of my eyes, I saw someone standing behind him. I knew who it was.

Me: ''No you shouldn't have done this.'' 

The person that was behind him grabbed Leo and pulled him away from me. It was Jazz. He pressed Leo against the wall.

Jazz: ''You dare to put hands on my girl?''

Leo looked at him with shock in his eyes. Did he finally figure out that I really have a boyfriend? 

Jazz punched him so hard that he broke his nose.

Jazz: ''That was a warning. Touch her again and I will find you. Did you understand me?!''

Leo: ''YES! YES! PLEASE!''

Jazz let him go so Leo ran away.  Jazz looked at me. 

Jazz: ''You okay?''

Me: ''Yes I am fine. How did you know?''

Jazz: ''You are my mate love. I felt that you needed my help.''

Me: ''Thank you. You are the best.''

I said and hugged him. Then I kissed him. 

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