Knockout ( TP ) x Reader ( Switching Sides )

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Reader's POV

I had been with team Prime ever since my brother Jack and I came to the wrong place at the wrong time. Yeah, that was the time as we were coming home from work and that's when he spotted Arcee. Well at that time we didn't know that she was a robot. But very soon we found out. 

Some time had passed since we met Autobots and for some time now I had been hiding a little secret. Well, it was a big secret that no one knew about it. Not even my best friend Arcee. Well, I didn't want anybody to know, because I knew what their reaction was going to be. There would be a fire in the roof. I was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed when Jack came into my room.

Jack: ''Hey are we going? Arcee will be here soon to pick us up.''

Me: ''I think I will stay home today Jack. I don't feel good.''

Jack: ''Really? What's wrong?''

Me: ''My head hurts a little and my stomach as well. I think I will just stay here and rest for a bit.''

Jack: ''Oh do you want me to stay?''

Me: ''No! I mean no. Go. If you guys will need any help I will come. Just tell Ratchet to space bridge me there. Okay?''

Jack: ''Are you sure?''

He asked with a suspicious voice.

Me: ''Yeah I just need some rest. Before you go can you give me another blanket from the wardrobe?'' 

Just as he gave me the blanket, Arcee came. As I heard them leaving our neighborhood I was finally able to breathe again. Of course, I was breathing before, but now I felt relaxed. Trowing the blanket off me I stood up from my bed feeling a little bit guilty for lying to my brother. Hearing the doors opening I turned my body around. 

Because it was so sunny outside I only saw a shadow behind the curtain. A hand removed the curtain making a way for a man to step into my room. The moment my eyes meet his red ones, my heart began to beat faster. 

Knockout: ''Hello love.''

Chills went down my body of hearing his amazing voice. 

Me: ''Hey.''

As he approached me he paced his strong hands around me and pulled me into a kiss. The kiss I waited for since last night. Before I knew I we were on the bed. Knockout was on top of me and as the kiss ended we looked at each other. 

Me: ''I missed you.''

Knockout: ''I missed you too.''

He was supporting himself with his right hand as his left hand gently touched my cheek.

Knockout and I had been seeing each other for almost a year. To be correct we started two weeks after meeting Autobots. He was about to kidnap me as I was waiting for Arcee to pick me up from school. Well instead of that he asked me out. You know I wasn't dumb not to know who he was even in his human form. But from the first moment, I saw him I fell in love. He wasn't just my boyfriend he was also my soulmate and I was his spark mate.

I know that he was a Decepticon and I was with Autobots but I love him so much. Even taught he was a Decepticon he knew how to treat his girl. This time I leaned in so our lips met. We began to make out. Our lips went perfectly together. My hands went around his hair as one of his free hands went around my body. 

After some time of kissing, Knockout placed himself on the bed, and with that, he placed me on top of him. I was laying on his chest looking deep into his eyes as he placed with my hair. He loved doing that. 

Knockout: ''You know I was thinking.''

Me: ''You thinking? That's not good.'' 

Knockout: ''Hey!'' 

Chuckled escape my lips. 

Me: ''I'm joking! I'm sorry. So what were you thinking of?'' 

Knockout: ''I think I will change sides.''

My eyes got big when these words left his mouth. 

Me: ''What?''

I was so in shock that I stip up making him sit up as well. 

Knockout: ''When the war started I didn't think twice not to join Decepticons. I saw the future of what Megatron was showing and promising us. I didn't want to lose Cybertron but I know if Megatron wins this planet will get the same fate and I can't let that happen. I can't let anything happened to you.'' 

Before he could do anything I burst into his army. 

Me: ''This is the best news Knockout. I'm so proud of you.'' 

Knockout: ''Thank you love. I love you.'' 

He said hugging me back. 

Me: ''I love you too but now we need to figure out the best way to tell team Prime of us.'' 

Knockout: ''Let's just picture us kissing and send it to your brother.'' 

Me: ''I don't think that's wise.'' 

Knockout: ''Why?'' 

He asked as I looked at him. 

Me: ''Arcee would be here in less than a minute to kick your ass.'' 

Knockout: ''You think I'm afraid of two-wheeler?'' 

Me: ''Well honey you forgot there are others.'' 

His eyes got big. He fell back into my pillows with his face defeated. He knew that they would kick his ass pretty well. 

Me: ''Don't worry I will protect you.'' 

Knockout: ''I'm lucky to have you as my protector.'' 

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