Starscream ( Armada ) x Reader ( Blinded By Lust )

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Starscream's POV 

She was staring at me with shock and betrayal written all over her face as big fat tears were rolling down her red cheeks. She wanted to stay strong, but she was cracking. I had my eyes on her and I was just looking at someone I just to call mine. 

Y/N: "How can you even ask me something like that Starscream? Leaving Autobots who had been with me since the beginning? How could you betray me? After years of knowing and trusting in each other? We were supposed to be best friends. Did you forget about that overnight?" 

She asked as she stepped closer. No, I did not forget about it. I could never forgive what this girl has done for me over the years of knowing me. I was a broken transformer trying to please everyone else but not myself. She protected me and helped me get over that. But inside I was still a loyal Decepticon. I just wanted her to join me so we could be together.

Y/N: "We gave each other a promise that we will always talk about the truth to each other. That we will never betray one another and that there was trust. I would give my life for you Starscream! YOU never did care about me! Never!" 

Me: "That's not true-" 

Y/N: "REALLY?! Because you just broke the bond that I had with you as you gave Megatron our Mini-Cons. And for what? FOR WHAT?! So you can be better than other Decepticons and be happy? Fantastic job Stasrcream. Enjoy your life." 

She turned around and ran away leaving me speechless. 

Me: "But I love you..." 

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