Ratchet ( TP ) x Reader ( Remember )

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Third Person's POV

It was a cold October day and Y/N was on her way home. Because her new job was only a few blocks away she walked home and she loved it. She just moved again into her new apartment together with her son ( Y/S/N ) and she was really happy. 

But the moment she came to her apartment doors she saw that something was wrong. The doors of her apartment were opened. Just a little and that made her suspect a burglar. But the doors weren't harmed so how did he get in? Quietly she stepped in. From the bag that she had around her left shoulder, she took out her gun and prepared it for the burglar. 

I had a lot of training so I wasn't scared of anybody. But the moment I came into my leaving room I saw a man with his back turned towards me. Hearing me coming the man turned around. He had white hair that was a little orange too. He had an orange beard and blue eyes. He was dressed in an orange shirt, white pants, and matching shoes. His jacket was orange and white as well. 

Y/N: ''Ratchet...?''

I asked slowly placing my gun back down. It has been years since we last saw each other. His beard grew a little and there was a new scar on his chin. He just stared at me not saying a word. 

Y/N: ''Say something...'' 

Ratchet: ''It's been years.'' 

Y/N: ''You don't say.'' 

Y/N didn't understand what he was even doing here? Why did he even come? She was totally happy without him in her life so why did he have to come and destroy her happiness once again. He took two steps toward her making her heart beat faster. 

Y/N: ''Ratchet I need to go.'' 

Ratchet: ''Sure you do.'' 

That maid Y/N's blood boiled. Who the hell does the thing he is?!

Y/N: ''Goodbye then.'' 

The moment she was out the doors Ratchet began to follow her. 

Ratchet: ''Can you please stop.'' 

Y/N: ''No I can't.'' 

She said as she came out on the street. It just started to rain making her day even worst than it already was. 

Ratchet: ''Just stop for Primus's sake.'' 

Y/N rolled her eyes and stopped herself. She looked at him with an annoying look. 

Ratchet: ''Why are you running away again?'' 

Y/N: ''Again?'' 

He gave her the look. 

Y/N: ''You wouldn't understand.'' 

Ratchet: ''Well I would if you would tell me why. Now that I found you, you are running away again.'' 

Y/N: ''I have to.'' 

Ratchet: ''You don't. You don't need to. Just tell me why.'' 

Me: ''Ratchet I really don't need to tell you anything about me anymore.'' 

When Y/N said that, she could see the disappointment in his eyes. For a moment but just for a moment, she felt bad saying that. But really fast she remembered why she left. 

Y/N: ''Don't look at me, like that. You won't understand. You never wanted to understand.'' 

Tears began to gather in her eyes as she remembered the pain she left that day. 

Y/N: ''I'm sorry that you found me. Don't tell others that you found me because I will not come back. It's better this way.''

Ratchet: ''No I won't. But tell me why are you running away from me again?!'' 

Y/N: ''Because you don't remember!'' 

( Part 1! )

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