Heatwave ( RB) x Reader ( Date On Ice )

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Third Person's POV

Today was the day that Y/N was taking Heatwave her boyfriend on a date. She decided that she will take him ice skating. It was her favorite thing to do during wintertime. This is the first winter for Heatwave so it will be his first-time ice skating.

Heatwave: ''So where are we going and why do you have that big bag with you?''

He asked looking at the bag Y/N was caring in her right hand.

Y/N: ''You will see.''

Heatwave looked at her suspiciously but then said anything. As they came to a big frozen lake Y/N turned and looked at her boyfriend.

Y/N: ''We are here.''

She said placing the bag on the ground.

Heatwave: ''Sorry love I don't get it.''

Y/N: ''You soon will.''

She said and took two pairs of ice skates from the bag. Her skates were white and the others were black. She borrowed them from her brother.

Heatwave: ''What are those?'' ( GET IT? )

Y/N: ''They are ice skates and you use them for ice skating.''

I said pointed towards the frozen lake. The moment that he realized he began to walk backward. 

Heatwave: ''No, no, no. No way. Not me.''

Y/N: ''Come on Heatwave it will be fun trust me.''

She said walking towards him with an evil glare. 

Heatwave: ''People are here.'' 

Me: ''So?'' 

Heatwave: ''No you can't make me.''

That's exactly what Y/N did. She helped him with the ice skates and then as they got on the ice Y/N was holding his hand so he would fall. Y/N was really good at skating so she had full control of my legs. At first, Heatwave was scared that he will fall but after sometimes he began to skate himself. He was going okay when suddenly there came the end of the lake and he did not stop.


He crashed into a big pile of snow. Y/N quickly came to him and the moment she saw his face she began to laugh. He looked like Frosty The Snowman only missing a big black hat with a flower in it.

Heatwave: ''You think that this is funny?''

Y/N: ''Yes I have to take a picture.''

She said and quickly took her phone out of her pocket and made a picture.

Heatwave: ''Oh you are so going to get it.''

Y/N: ''Oh really?''

At that moment he grabbed her and pulled her in the snow next to me.

Y/N: ''Heatwave!''

Heatwave: ''You asked for it.''

Y/N: ''Oh I love you.''

Heatwave: ''Me to Swihart.''

I gave him a kiss on the cheek then I stood up and offered him my hand.

Me: ''Round two?''

Heatwave: ''Of course.''

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