Smokescreen ( TP ) x Reader ( If We Would Break UP )

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Reader's POV

I was laying in the arms of my boyfriend when an idea came on my mind. What would Smokescreen do I we would break up?

Me: ''Hey Smokey.''

Smokescreen: ''Yes love?''

Me: ''What would you do if we would break up?'' 

I ask as I look up at him. He looked down at me with confusion in his eyes.

Smokescreen: ''What kind of question is that?''

Me: ''It's a question. What would you do?''

Smokescreen: ''I would be heartbroken because you are my queen and my heart belongs only to you.''

Me: ''What do you think I would do if we would break up?''

Smokescreen: ''You would be sad and heartbroken.''

Me: ''No. I would get bac with my ex.''

The moment I said that his eyes became big.

Smokescreen: ''What?''

Me: ''I would get back with my ex.''

Smokescreen: ''What? Your ex? Why?''

Me: ''Because I love him.''

The moment I said that he let go of me and set up. I did the same.

Smokescreen: ''Are you serious?''

He asked and I could hear sadness in his voice.

Me: ''You don't get it do you.''

Smokescreen: ''I don't get what? That you don't love me, but you love your ex?''

Me: ''Smokey you would be my ex.''

It took him ten second so figure out. He was my first boyfriend of course I would get back with him.

Smokescreen: ''Oh god. That was a good prank. I taught that you did not love me anymore.''

He said as he placed his arms around me and pull me into his arms.

Me: ''How could I not love you? You are my mate. I love you more than anything you silly Autoboth.''

I said and as we look each other in the eyes we placed our foreheads together. 

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