Ratchet ( TP ) x Reader ( Shy Girl )

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Third Person's POV 

Y/N had a big crush on Ratchet but she could never tell him. She was just too shy. One day as she was talking to herself Ratchet heard her. At first, he didn't want to ears drop on her but he wanted to know what his human was saying. He was her guardian after all. 

Y/N: ''How can I tell him? I want him to know about my feelings but I am so shy around him.'' 

Ratchet didn't know of who Y/N was talking about. Was she talking about Bumblebee or Optimus? He could feel jealousy growing inside of him. He liked Y/N since the beginning. He knew that he couldn't compare to Optimus or Bumblebee. He was about to go when... 

Y/N: ''I can't just be like: ''Ratchet I like you.'' 

Ratchet was in shock when he heard those words. She liked him? Well, that would explain the reason that he felt content to her. Was she his sparkmate?

Y/N: ''I need to tell him.''

Ratchet quickly returned to his place. He began to work on his project again when he heard the door open. He pretended that he didn't hear her coming. 

Y/N: ''Hey Ratchet.''

He looked down at her. He could see that she was nervous. 

Y/N: ''I...I need to tell you s...something.''

Ratchet: ''I need to tell you something too.''

He changed into his human form. Y/N loved his human form so much that she was trying so hard not to get red cheeks. 

Y/N: ''You first.''

Ratchet: ''No, no you first.''

Y/N: ''No you first.''

Ratchet: ''Together?''

Y/N: ''Okay.''

Ratchet: ''Okay. One...two...three.''

Y/N: ''I really like you!'' 

Y/N was the only one that said it. Ratchet tricked her. Her cheeks became red as a tomato and her body was so still that she looked like a statue. She just told her crush that she liked him. As she looked down her eyes began to tear up. Ratchet came to her hand pull her to him, so their bodies touched. He hugged her for the first time. 

Ratchet: ''I like you too Y/N.'' 

Y/N looked up with shock in her eyes. Ratchet smiled at her and then removed the tears that were coming down her cheeks with his hand. Y/N was so glad that he felt the same way. Ratchet began to lin in and soon their lips meet.

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