Ratchet ( TP ) x Reader ( Teacher )

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Third Person's POV

It was 1:00 AM and Y/N was at the base sitting on the couch looking at her science books. In a few hours, she will have to take her last exam and she was worried. Why? Because science was her least favorite subject and it was her last exam. If she fails, she will literarily die. Just as she rubbed her eyes there came Ratchet.

Ratchet: ''Y/N? What are you doing here? Didn't Bee take you home like hours ago?''

He asked as he came to her. She looked at him.

Y/N: ''I stayed here because I'm studying for my exam. I would study at home, but my older sister took the opportunity of our parents on a business trip so she is having a party and I can't study at home.''

Ratchet: ''Aha.''

Y/N: ''Don't worry I will be quiet.''

Ratchet nodded his head then he went to do some work. One hour later he heard something and as he looked back, he saw Y/N books on the ground. As he looked at the girl, he saw that she was almost on the verge of crying. He went to her.

Rachet: ''What's wrong Y/N?''

Y/N: ''I don't get it. I really don't get it.''

Ratchet: ''What are you studying?''

He asked as he picks up her book.

Y/N: ''Science.''

Ratchet looked at her.

Ratchet: ''Science is amazing. What don't you get it?''

Y/N: ''Those questions.''

She said as she offered him the paper with questions on it. 

Y/N: ''I'm gonna fail the exam and I will have to go to summer school.''

Said Y/N as she covered her face with her hands.

Ratchet: ''I can help you if you want.''

Y/N quickly looked at him.

Y/N: ''Really?''

Ratchet: ''Yes.''

Ratchet turned himself into his human form and took a seat beside her. He began to teach her and as the thirty minutes passed Y/N knew everything. Ratchet taught her everything in just thirty minutes.

Ratchet: ''Now you know everything.''

Y/N: ''Thank you so much Ratchet, you're the best.''

Said Y/N and before Ratchet knew she had her hands around him. When she realized what she did she quickly let go of him.

Y/N: ''Sorry.''

She said as she looked down. But there came Ratchet's hand that forced her head to look up. Their eyes locked and their lips met. 

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