Sunstreaker x Reader ( Wish ) ( Part 2 )

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Reader's POV 

I was so in shock to see him that my mouth drop open a little. But I quickly closed my mouth as I saw a small smile on his face. I loved his smile so much. Odi came running up to me with his ball in his mouth. I gently patted his head trying to think of words to give to Sunstreaker as he approached me. 

Sunstreaker: ''Hey Y/N.'' 

Me: ''Hey Traker.'' 

I didn't even realize that I called him by the name I created for him. I was the only one that could call him that and he loved it. A smile grew on his face as I looked down at my hand which was still on Odi's head. 

Sunstreaker: ''How are you?'' 

Me: ''Good. You?'' 

I asked looking up. He nodded. I know that he was acting trying to lie to me but I knew him too well. 

Me: ''So how are Optimus and others?'' 

Sunstreaker: ''They are all good. Missing you.'' 

A small smile grew on my face. They were like family to me and I was missing them. 

Sunstreaker: ''I...I...'' 

I knew what he was about to say. As much as I wanted to hear it I didn't. It would break me. 

Me: ''You don't need to say it.'' 

Sunstreaker: ''But I do.'' 

Me: ''I don't want you to.'' 

I said as my voice began to break. I could see pain and disappointment in his eyes. My heart was breaking to see him like this. I wanted to see him smile. 

Me: ''I need to go.'' 

I said turning around and began to walk. But I didn't do five steps when his hand took a hold of my right hand stopping me. Looking back our eyes meet. The same thing happened one year ago. Him stopping me like this. 

Sunstreaker: ''Y/N...I'm so-'' 

Me: ''Bye Treaker.'' 

With that, I turned around and began to walk again with Odi following me. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I was walking away from him. Again. As I and Odi came out of the park I stopped myself at the red light. Memories of one year ago came to my mind. 

One year ago...

With tears rolling down my cheeks I closed my suitcase and began to carry it down the stairs. Sunstreaker was following me. 

Sunstreaker: ''Please Y/N....don't...'' 

Me: ''It's better this way.'' 

Sunstreaker: ''No it's not and you know that.'' 

Coming downstairs he took a hold of my hand stopping me on my track. I looked back at him so our eyes could meet. 

Me: ''Please...don't follow me.'' 

I told him and with that, I turned around and left the house with Odi following me. 


Opening my eyes I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. He was the best thing that had happened to me and I wish that there was any way we could be. The light turned green and I began to walk. 

Sunstreaker: ''Y/N LOOK OUT!'' 

Hearing breaks I turned my head towards right and at that moment everything became black. 

( Part 3 will come soon )

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