Starscream ( Armada ) x Reader ( Between The Heavens And The Earth )

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Reader's POV

The ignoring didn't stop even after weeks of me waiting for him. Before that we argued a lot then suddenly he started to ignore me. I wanted him to come to me so we could be as we used to be. Happy and normal couple that understands and talks to each other. But when he didn't come I knew that I had enough and went to see him. I found him outside the Decepticon base practicing with his sword.

Me: "Starscream."

Hearing my voice he stopped training and slowly looked down at me. Instead of saying something he kept his eyes on me but did not say a thing.

Me: "Do you love me?"

Starscream: "What?"

The first word he said to me was a question. I was getting progress.

Me: "Do you love me?"

Starscream: "I am trying to protect you."

Me: "Do you love me?"

Starscream: "I...."

I began to approach him.

Starscream: "This conversation is... I can not do this now."

Me: "Do you love me?"

Starscream: "Don't ask-"

Me: "Do you love me?"

Starscream: "Y/N please!"

I stopped myself right in front of him.

Me: "You have been ignoring me for weeks! I can be angry with you! Is this because you do not believe that I could love you? Because I do! I do love you Starscream. I love you so much that I am prepared to do anything. I even joined Decepticons and betray the Autobots so I could be with you. If you do not love me all you have to do is to say it and I will go. I will go and you will not need to see me ever again. I will go far away. But first, you need to say that you do not love me."

Bright light appeared around him and he changed himself into his human form. He kept his eyes on me without saying a thing.

Me: "Say it. Say it."

Starscream: "Y/N...I am dangerous to you."

Me: "Do you love me?"

Starscream: "You do not wish a life with me. No one does."

Me: "Do you love me Starscream?!"

Starscream: "Y/N!"

Me: "I will stand with you between the heavens and the Earth! Do you love me!"

Starscream: "I LOVE YOU!"

A gasp left my mouth as I took a step back from the words that left his mouth. He has finally said them. Those are three words that I needed to hear.

Starscream: "From the moment...from the moment I first saw you. You had my spark from the first moment I saw you. I have loved you desperately even taught I do not deserve your love or your kindness toward me. I can never stop thinking about you. I love you Y/N. My sparks called you and only you."

Stepping towards me he placed his arms around me and pulled me for a kiss. I immediately kissed him back then I hugged him tightly.

Starscream: "Please don't leave me. I need you. More than you know." 

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