Smokescreen x Reader ( Crazy Like Him ) Part 1!

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Third Person's POV

Y/N has been a part of Team Prime for a very long time and eventually, she began to work together with Smokescreen on his missions. They were great friends and they trusted each other completely. Smokescreen knew that Y/N trusted him with her life and he would do anything for her. He also had a massive crush on the girl and he had wanted to ask her out for a while now.

An angry roar was heard threw the whole Decepticon ship making Y/N start laughing. She and Smokescreen just stole the Omega Key right in front of Megatro's nose without him even reacting because of the shock.

Smokescreen: "I'm glad you find this funny Y/N."

Y/N: "Oh come on Smokey. He was so in shock that he didn't even react." 

A smile grew on his face. Y/N always had a sense of humanity even in the middle of the mission. As he came running around the corner Smokescreen quickly stopped himself. They were surrounded by Decepticons from in front and behind them.

Smokescreen: "Is this the way out?"

They pointed their guns at them but before they could start to shoot Smokescreen took Y/N from his right shoulder and placed her inside his chest piece to protect her from bullets. As bullets began to fly he activated his special move and the bullet passed threw him hitting Decepticons instead of him. As everyone was down he took Y/N from his chest piece and after placing her on the shoulder he began to run again. 

Smokescreen: "You know what I was thinking Y/N?"

Y/N: "What Smokey?"

Smokescreen: "After this mission. Would you go out with me?"

With shock, she looked down at him.

Y/N: "Sure. But first, let's get out of here."

She could see a smile grow on his face. As they come out they were about to call Ratchet for a bridge when they heard steps. Looking back they saw Megatron with a few Decepticons behind him.

Y/N: "Megatron. Hello."

Megatron: "They Key."

He spread his hand thinking that now that they were surrounded that they would just give him the key. But he sure was wrong. Taking a step back to the edge of the ship Smokescreen looked down.

Megatron: "A pity you are incapable of flight."

Y/N: "Oh Megatron. Like that is going to stop us."

Standing up Y/N spread her hands and let her body fall. Smokescreen smiled at Megatron then turned around and jumped off the ship after Y/N.

Voice: "Ratchet to Y/N. Come in Y/N."

Y/N pressed a button on her earpiece as she was falling.

Y/N: "Yes Ratchet?"

Ratchet: "We finally got your connection back. I have one question. Why are you moving so fast?"

Y/N: "Am...because I'm falling." 

Ratchet: "What?!" 

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