Starscream ( Armada ) x Reader ( I Lost Her )

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Starscream's POV

I was walking in an empty hallway with a bouquet of flowers in my right hand. As I came to a room at the end of the hallway I open the door and went in. As I came into the room I looked up and saw her on her bed looking out of the window. She heard the doors open and looked at my way. When she saw me a week smile came on her face. I smiled back then I closed the doors behind me. I went to her.

Me: ''I brought you flowers. Your favorite.''

Dark pink roses were her favorite. She looked at them and smiled. 

Y/N: ''Thank you. They are lovely.''

I took old roses from the vase and put in the new ones. Every day I bring her new roses. No matter how horrible my day is I will always come to see her. I sat on the stull that was next to her bead. I took her left hand in mine and kiss it. I looked her in her beautiful eyes.

Me: ''How are you feeling?''

Y/N: ''The same.''

Me: ''Are you in pain?''

Y/N: ''No.''

Me: ''Don't lie to me.''

Y/N was sick with rare sickness. I could fell that she was in pain. 

Me: ''I will go get a doctor.''

I said and was about to shand up. But she didn't let go of my hand.

Y/N: ''Don't leave Starscream. I feel better when you are with me.''

She said and as I looked at her. I sat back down.

Y/N: ''Do you remember where you took me to our first date?''

Me: ''Of course. How could I forget?''

She smiled.

Y/N: ''You took me to a beautiful place with a beautiful sunset. We were talking for hours. When the night came you took me for a flight. I had an amazing first date.'' 

Me: ''I will take you there again. As soon as you will feel better.''

Y/N: ''We both know that this is not going to happen.''

Me: ''Don't say that.''

Y/N: ''It's the truth. I am not getting any better.''

Me: ''I will not allow it. I will find a way.''

Y/N smiled at me.

Y/N: ''I want you to promise me something Starscream.''

Me: ''What is it, love?'' 

Y/N: ''Find happiness. I want you to be happy.''

Me: ''Y/N...''

Y/N: ''Promise me.''

Me: ''I can't. You are the only one that will always make me happy.''

Tears came out of her eyes. I came close to her and put my forehead to hers.

Me: ''I love you so much Y/N.'' 

Y/N: ''I love you to Starscream.'' 

Three days later:

Megatron was telling us about his plane how we will win the war when the pain hit me. The pain came from my spark. Y/N. 

I turned around and began to run. As I came out of our ship I transformed and flow to Earth. I could feel her pain. She was calling me. As I came to the hospital I changed myself in human form and run inside. As I came to her room a doctor came to me.

Me: ''How is she? What's wrong?''

Doctor: ''I am sorry but her heart is really weak. She will not last an hour.'' 

As quickly as I could I went into the room. When I saw her my spark dropped. She was laying on the bead with no movements. She was so weak and in so much pain. I went to her. I took her hand in mine. I can't lose her. I can't let her leave me. Her eyes open and she looked at me.

Y/N: ''S-Starscream....''

Me: ''I am here love.''

She smiled at me. Tears came down her eyes.

Y/N: ''Pleas-s don't let me d-die here. N-Not like t-this.'' 

She said. I know what she was thinking of. I took the blanket off her. Slowly and carefully took her in my arms. Her head was on my chest. She tried to put her hands around my neck but she was too weak. I took her out of the hospital and as we were out of the side I changed my form. I transformed but slowly and carefully to take her to our special place. As we came there I changed back to human form with her in my arms.

Me: ''Look.''

I said as I went on the floor with her still in my arms. She slowly looked at the right to a beautiful sunset.

Y/N: ''O-Our place.''

Me: ''Yes love. Our place.'' 

I said and kissed her forehead three times. I wanted to hear her giggle but she was so weak. She looked at me. I could see in her eyes that she was remembering our past. How we meet. Our first kiss. All of the great moments that we had together. She smiled at me. 

Y/N: ''l-love y-you Starscream-m.''

Me: ''I love you to Y/N.''

I kissed her and then we put our foreheads together. Just then her head fell on my left shoulder. I couldn't feel her heart anymore. She left me. My spark began to hurt. I never felt this kind of pain before. I hug her more and I could fell teas coming down my eyes. My eyes were looking at the sunset.

Me: ''I love you so much Y/N. So much.''

I said and began to cry more. I lost her.

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