Smokescreen ( TP ) x Reader ( Cuddles )

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Reader's POV

I was laying on my bed reading a fashion magazine when I hear the front door open.

Smokescreen: ''Baby I'm home!''

Me: ''Bedroom!''

The moment I said that I could hear him running upstairs. Before I even cold look away from the magazine he was already in the bed holding me close to his chest.

Me: ''Cuddle time?''

Smokescreen: ''Cuddle time.''

I went on top oh him. I placed my head on his chest and he placed his hands around me. My boyfriend just loves to cuddle.

Me: '' was work?''

Smokescreen: ''Boring.''

Me: ''How so?''

I asked as he began to play with my hair.

Smokescreen: ''There was no action. Only patrolling around the city all day long.''

Me: ''That's does sounds boring.''

Smokescreen: ''So how was your day love?''

 Me: ''Boring.''

Smokescreen: ''How so?''

Me: ''Missing you.''

I said and as we look each other in the eyes our lips meet. He turned us around, so he was now on top of me with his head on my chest and now it was my turn to play with his hair.

Me: ''Why do you like cuddles so much?''

Smokescreen: ''You don't?''

Me: ''Of course I do. But many guys don't like to cuddle much. Why do you like it so much?''

Smokescreen: ''Because I want to be close to you. I want your hands playing with my hair.''

I chuckled.

Smokescreen: ''You know what's the best thing about cuddles?''

Me: ''What?''

Smokescreen: ''I can hear your heart beating.''

I smiled and our lips meet again.

Smokescreen: ''I love you.''

Me: ''I love you to Smokey.''

I said and we continued cuddling until we both fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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