Knockout x Reader ( The Jacket )

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Reader's POV

I was hanging out with Knockout who was in his human form and we were watching TV. We were watching a new movie that we both wanted to see for a long time now. As Knockout took a sip of his favorite drink which was the beer I noticed his favorite jacket was next to him. Surprisingly he wasn't wearing it. It was his favorite thing. I always wanted to try it on because it really was a nice jacket. I took the jacket and placed it around me catching Knockout by surprise.

Knockout: "My, my. Don't you know about the jacket rule, sweetheart?"

He asked as he placed the beet back on the table then he looked at me.

Me: "Huh? What rule?"

I asked raising my eyebrows.

Knockout: "You wear the jacket, ride the cowboy."

Before I realized what he was saying he's face came really close to me and the moment I saw the smirk on his face I knew.

Me: "If that's so? Do you want me to wear only your jacket?"

Knockout: "It would please me."

With that, he kissed me on the lips and I kissed him back. As we pulled away I pushed past him and began to approach the stairs that led to my bedroom. I looked back at Knockout with a smirk.

Me: "It would please me for you to join me."

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