Smokescreen ( TP ) X Reader ( Fault Of The Past )

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Requested by: @Ancis93

Third Person's POV 

Before kids joined Team Prime the team only had one human to look after. Y/N. She meets the team by accident but after learning about them Optimus allows her to stay. Because she was the only human girl who did not know how to fight she was assigned to have a guardian. Cliffjumper.  He liked her from the start and soon they became great friends. 

But when Ciffjumper died Y/N didn't want another guardian. Optimus tried to convince her but nothing that he said would change her mind. She was in too much of a fear to lose another one because of her. 

Instead of driving to school, Y/N used her old bicycle. She used it to drive to the base and back home. Well, she went everywhere with it. She never wanted another Autoboth to give her a ride. As much as she was close to them she didn't want to get too close. Losing Ciffjumper broke her. 

Ratchet: "Do you need a ride home Y/N?" 

Y/N: "No it's fine."

Ratchet: "There is a storm going outside." 

Y/N: "I can make it." 

Optimus: "Maybe it would be best for you to sleep over here. Go home tomorrow. Okay?" 

Y/N looked towards the Autoboth leader, and then she nodded her head. She took a sit on the yellow sofa and soon she had fallen asleep. Optimus approached the sofa and gently placed the blanket over Y/N. 

Ratchet: "She can be so stubborn." 

Optimus: "She's grieving Ratchet. Ciffjumper meant everything to her." 

Ratchet nodded and left the girl to sleep. Weeks later team Prime got bigger as Smokescree joined the team. He and Y/N met each other on the same day but insisted like others she then left. It made Smokescreen wonder if he did something wrong. 

Bulkhead: "Do not worry about Y/N. She's just being..." 

Raff: "...Y/N." 

A week later Y/N was on her way home when she was attacked by Decepticons, who tried to kidnap her. But thanks to Smokescreen and Bumblebee she was saved. On the same day, Optimus decided that she needed a guardian. 

Y/N: "I don't want a Guardian Prime." 

Optimus: "This is good for you Y/N." 

Y/N: "I don't want it." 

Optimus: "You will not change my mind Y/N." 

Rolling her eyes she left the room. But immediately she almost bumped into Smokescreen who was in his human form. 

Smokescreen: "Oh hey Y/N." 

Without looking at him Y/N walked past him. 

Smokescreen: "What did I do now?" 

He watched her until she disappeared from around the corner. Optimus came out of the room and then told him about his decision. Learning that he will have to be Y/N guardian Smokescreen decided to get close to her. But that was easier said than done. Y/N was ignoring him. 

Smokescreen: "Hey Y/N. How are you?" 

He asked her as he picked her up from her home the next day. Instead of saying something she took a seat on the passage seat and waited for him to take her to school. He wanted to ask her what was wrong but instead of that he just closed the doors behind her and began to drive. When the time for picking her up from school she already came into the base with Bumblebee and Raff. 

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