Megatron ( TP ) x Reader ( New Pillow )

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Reader's POV

The moment Megatron came true the portal his eyes found me. He began to walk towards me and before I knew he picked me up and began to walk.

Me: ''Megatron? Where are we going?''

He did not answer me. Did I do something wrong? He came to our chamber and the moment the doors behind us closed he turned himself into his human form with me on his left shoulder.

Me: ''Megatron what are you doing? Did I do something wrong?''

Megatron: ''No you did nothing wrong, my love.''

He said as he began to walk again.

Me: ''something must be bothering you. What is it?''

Megatron: ''I'm tired.''

He said and before I could say anything, he placed me on our bed. I looked at him.

Megatron: ''You are my new pillow.''

He said and he placed his head on my stomach. His right hand found my left one and we crossed fingers. I was looking at him with a weird expression on my face. He was tired? And did he say that I'm his pillow? Before I could even say anything, I could hear him snore. A smile came on my face and with my free hand, I started to play with his hair.

Me: ''Good night my love.''

I said and soon I fell asleep as well. I just love being his pillow. 

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