Heatwave ( RIB ) x Reader ( Hero )

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Third Person's POV

It was six in the evening and Y/N was sitting behind her desk in her apartment working on a school project for next week. Just as Y/N was about to take a sip of her favorite drink a smoke came into her lungs. Her window was open so first, she taught that it was her neighbor burning something again. The guy that was living in the apartment above her was a really bad cook. So she first taught nothing about it. But the moment an alarm went off she knew that something was really wrong.

She jumped on her feet and went to her front doors. She was about to open the doors but the moment she tucked the handle she screamed in pain. She burned her hand because the handle was so hot. As much as Y/N wanted to think about her hand she knew that she had to get out of her apartment. But how? She would jump out of the window but only the dead would be waiting for her. Just then as the phone began to ring a loud bang was heard and Y/N eyes' closed.

Heatwave was on his phone trying to call his girlfriend but she did not answer. The moment that he learned that her apartment building was on fire he was on his way with his team. The worst things were on his mind. He was driving as fast as he could. Just then as he turned on the right his spark began to hurt really badly. He grunted in pain.

Kade: ''Heatwave what's wrong?''

Heatwave: ''It's Y/N. She's hurt.''

The building was fully on fire as they got there. Many people were outside but you could still hear some people screaming for help from inside their apartments. The team quickly went to work.

Y/N's eyes began to open. Her vision was really blurry. At first, she did not remember what happened but as her vision got better she looked around and saw fire all around her. She tried to move but her leg was broken. Fire and heat were getting close to her. The smoke was going in her lungs and her body was slowly shutting down.


She tried to yell as loud as she could but the smoke was filling her lungs faster making her cough.

Voice: ''Y/N! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!''

She recognized the voice. It was Heatwave.


The fire was getting closer to her. She was trying so hard to move away from it but her leg was not moving. Tears were rolling down her eyes because of the pain.

Heatwave: ''Y/N TALK TO ME GIRL!''

Y/N could hear him as he was trying to kick the doors of her apartment down. She was trying to call him but the smoke was getting the best of her. Her eyes slowly closed as the doors of her apartment felled down.

Heatwave came to her apartment and saw her laying on the ground in the kitchen not moving and with her eyes closed. He quickly went to her and slowly and carefully picked her up. He could feel that she was really hurt. 

Kade: ''Heatwave get out the building is about to collapse!''

Two days later...

Y/N's eyes slowly began to open. At first, she was really confused because of the white walls that were around her and the beeping that was coming from each side of her bed. She turned to her left and saw Heatwave sitting on the couch sleeping. A smile came on her face.

Y/N: ''Heatwave...Heatwave.''

His eyes opened and the moment he saw her awake he quickly went to her.

Heatwave: ''My love you are okay. I was so worried.''

Y/N: ''You saved my life.'' 

Heatwave: ''I would do anything for you.'' 

Y/N: ''My hero.'' 

Heatwave lined in and kiss her on her forehead before he went to get the doctors. 

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