Bayverse Jazz x Femme Reader ( Long Time No See )

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Requested by: @EddsworldOc3

Third Person's POV

Y/N was in her human form sitting on the bench beneath a giant tree. For many years she has been trap on Earth. She could never forget about her real home. Cybertron. Life on Earth was peaceful, but it was not home. Home is where her kind is. Home is where her friends are. Home is where he is. Jazz. They meet when both were only sparklings. They grew up to be best friends. They promised each other that they will always stay together but fate had different plans for them.

Even taught Y/N knew that she will never see him again she could not stop thinking about him. If she had known that they will be spearheaded forever she would do anything to change it. Many times, she would blame the old Primes even taught it was not their fault. It was her own fault. If only she would be strong enough, she wouldn't be placed in the capsuled that took her away from her home. Tears were coming down her cheeks. She didn't know how much Jazz meant to her until it was too late.

'Does he think of me? Does he know what happened to me? Is he even alive?'

She asked herself over and over. She wanted to hear his voice. She wanted to hear him calling her name. She didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. 

Y/N stood up and began to walk towards the road. As she looked around, she saw there was no one around so she changed into her car mode and began to drive. She remembered how they always raced around before the war started. She remembered how Optimus asked Jazz and her to join his team. Both were so honored. They always worked together, and they always did their best. Just as Y/N drove around the corner she saw in her mirrors that someone was following her.

At first, she taught that it was only a condition but as she tried to go around many more corners, she saw that the silver car was really following her. She knew that it was not a Decepticon because it would already attack her. As she came to an abended ally, she changed into her robot form and pointed her gun at the silver car that followed her.

Y/N: ''Who are you and why are you following me?''

The silver car at first did nothing.

Y/N: ''I will ask you one more time. Who are you and why are you following me?''

Just then a silver car changed into a robot with blue eyes. The eyes looked familiar. The robot smiled.

Robot: ''It's not nice to pull out a gun on your best friend.''

Electricity went true Y/N's body. She would recognize that voice anywhere.

Y/N: ''Jazz?''

Jazz: ''Long time no see Y/N.''

Y/N removed her gun away and busted into his arms.

Y/N: ''How is this possible?''

Jazz: ''Long story. I'm so happy to see you again Y/N.''

Y/N: ''Me too I missed you so much.''

She said and they looked at each other not letting go.

Y/N: ''Are the other's here too?''

Jazz: ''Of course. They will freak out when they will see you.''

Y/N: ''I... I taught that I will never see you again.''

Jazz: ''I'm so sorry for not being there when you got hurt. I didn't know that you were placed in the capsule until it was too late to say goodbye.''

Y/N placed her head on his chest. Jazz hugged her more. He was so happy to have her in his arms. The moment that he learned that she left Cybertron broke him. He really taught that he will never see her again. But now her she is and he will never let her go again. 

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