Megatron ( TP ) x Reader ( Baby )

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I am thirty-seven weeks pregnant today. The months went by so fast. I can't wait to meet mine and Megatron's baby. We don't know the gander. I wanted to be surprised and Megatron respected my wishes. I have a feeling that I am having a boy and Megatron things the same. But if we will have a girl we will love her the same as we would love a boy. As much as I was scared I was so ready to give birth. I want to hold our baby in my arms and give all my love to it. 

Right now I was laying on mine and Megatron's bed. Megatron's chest was against my back and his arms were around me. My belly was hurting a little and Megatron was trying to make me feel better by massaging it. Just than baby kicked.

Me: ''Did you feel that?''

Megatron: ''Yes I did. Our baby is going to be a gladiator just like his father.''

Me: ''I don't know about that love.''

He chuckled. 

Megatron: ''Do you feel better?''

Me: ''Yes. Thank you.''

Megatron kissed me on the back of my head. My eyes began to close and I fall asleep.

Next day... 

As I was waiting for Megatron to come back from his mission a pain hit me in my belly. I never felt this kind of pain before. I stopped myself and placed my left hand on my belly. Just then the pain hit me again and that is when I felt it. My water just broke. Shit. Okay Y/N don't panic. You must find Knockout he will help. When I did one step forward the pain hit me again and this time the pain was bigger. My baby wanted to come to this world now. Just then I heard someone running towards me. When I looked up I saw Knockout.

Knockout: ''Y/N what's wrong?''

Me: ''My water just broke. Baby is coming.''

I said and he looked down and saw my water under me.

Me: ''Where is Megatron?''

Knockout: ''He is coming. Come I will carry you to your bad.'' 

He carefully placed me on his hand and began to caring me to my and Megatron's room. As he placed me on the bed he transformed himself in human form. He helped me get ready. I was in so much pain.

Knockout: ''We must begin.''

Me: ''No I can't. I need Megatron.''

As Knockout was about to say something the doors of the room burst opened and Megatron came rushing in.

Megatron: ''Y/N...''

He changed into his human form and quickly came to me. 

Megatron: ''I am here love.'' 

He said and took me left hand in his. 

Me: ''I am scared.''

Megatron: ''Don't worry I am here, and everything is going to be okay.''

He said and kissed me on my forehead. Then we began.

One hour later...

Knockout: ''Okay Y/N one last push.'' 

I did and this time I give all that I had left in me. As I fall back on my pillow I heard a baby cry.

Megatron: ''You did amazing love.''

He said and kissed me on my head.

Me: ''Is e-everything okay Knockout?''

Knockout: ''Yes everything is fine. Congratulations it's a boy.'' 

He said and placed a small baby in a white blanket in my arms. I saw a beautiful baby with beautiful red eyes and  Y/H/C. 

Me: ''Hello little one. I am your mommy and this is your daddy.'' 

I said. As I looked at Megatron I saw a big smile on his face. He was so proud. 

Me: ''He has your eyes.''

Megatron: ''He has your hair color.''

He was so cute. I couldn't stop looking at him.

Me: ''He is amazing. What will we call him?'' 

Megatron: ''Do you have any idea?'' 

Me: ''What about Y/S/N ?''

Megatron: ''Y/S/N shall be. He will be the most powerful Decepticon in the galaxy.''

I smiled. Megatron came to me and kissed me on my lips. I kissed him back.

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