Smokescreen ( TP ) x Reader ( Long Distance )

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Reader's POV 

Today is the day! Oh, I can't wait! It has been five months since I saw Smokescreen and today is the day I will be able to see him again. I knew that once I would start to study abroad I knew that it was going to be hard. We were so connected. He was my everything and I was his. But we both went true a lot so this wasn't our biggest challenge. 

Smokescreen and I had been together for a year. He was always so supportive towards my carer and when I told him that I got into the most amazing school in France he was really happy. We taught that we could see each other by the space bridge but after a massive battle with Decepticons it broke and Ratchet was unable to fix it. 

It was hard not to see him in real life but we still called each other every day. Sometimes the calls would last hours. Finally, the summer vacation was here and I'm able to go home. Smokescreen or the was I call him Smokey did not know that I was coming. I wanted to surprise him. The only one that knew about me coming was Bumblebee who was going to pick me up from the airport. 

After hours on the plane, we landed and I was finally home. As much as Jasper was a boring town to most people it wasn't to me. It was my home. When I saw Bumblebee in his human form already waiting for me I ren up to him and gave him a big hug. 

Bee: ''It's so good to see you Y/N.'' 

He said with his chirping voice. 

Me: ''It's good to see you too Bee. I missed you.'' 

Bee: ''Missed you too.'' 

Me: ''Dose Smokescreen expect anything?'' 

Bee: ''Of course not.'' 

Me: ''Great. I really want to surprise him.'' 

Bee: ''Let's go.'' 

As we were driving towards the base I couldn't hide the excitement. My hands were actually shaking. There were days when I wanted to quit and return home. Yes, I meet new friends but they were not Autobots. Autobots weren't just my friends but they were my family. 

The moment we came into the base I was greeted by Autobots and kids. All of them were so in shock to see me. I looked at Optimus and gave him the look to call Smokescreen who was working out in the training room. 

Smokescreen: ''New mission Pri-''

The moment he came into the room his blue eyes became bigger as his mouth wide open. 

Me: ''Surprise!''

Before I knew it he change into his human form and swiped me off my feet. 

Smokescreen: ''Y/N.'' 

I placed my hands around his neck and hugged him back. As he placed me down I taught that he was going to ask thousands of questions. But instead of that he placed his hands on my cheeks and connected his lips with mine. With a million butterflies dancing in my stomach I kissed him back. 

I was finally home. 

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