Megatron ( TP ) x Reader ( Pregnant )

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I don't know what's wrong with me. The first thing I did in the morning was throw up everything I eat yesterday for dinner. My stomach hurts a little.  I don't know maybe I got a virus. I don't want to bother Megatron with my problems. He has a lot going on already. I was walking on nemesis halls as Starscream came to my vie. He and I didn't get along.  Why? Because I was the mate of his leader and he hated him. 

Starscream: ''Well, well, well. Megatron's pet.''

Me: ''Leave me alone Starscream. I am not in the mood for a fight.''

Starscream: ''That's first.''

Just then my stomach began to hurt really bad. The pain was soo big that I fell on my knees. I fell on the floor and with my hands, I was holding my stomach. Before I blackout I heard heavy footsteps coming to me.

Voice: ''Y/N. Y/N.''

My eyes slowly open and the first thing I saw were red eyes. The eyes that I knew really well.

Me: ''Megatron.''

Megatron: ''Y/N. How are you feeling sweet spark?''

Me: ''Okay. What happened?'' 

Megatron: ''You fainted. Why didn't you tell me that you didn't feel well? 

Me: ''I didn't want to bother you with my problems.'' 

Megatron took my right hand in his and squeezed a little. 

Megatron: ''Y/N. You are my spark mate. If anybody can bother me it's you.''

I smiled. He gave me a kiss on my forehead. Just then a door on my left open and Knockout came in the room. Megatron looked at him.

Megatron: ''What is wrong with her Knockout?''

Knockout came to us and put his hands behind his back.

Knockout: ''I did some tests on her and found the problem, my lord.''

Me: ''What is it?''

I ask. Megatron knew that I was scared. So he squeezed my hand a little more. 

Knockout: ''Y/N is with sparkling.''

Megatron's grip loosed a little bit.

Me: ''I am with what?''

Knockout: ''You have a baby in your belly.''

I froze. I am pregnant? I look at Megatron. He was looking at the ground, with shock on his face. 

Knockout left the room.

Me: ''Megatron I am sorry.''

His eyes looked at me.

Megatron: ''Why are you sorry?''

Me: ''I did not know that this is possible. We never talked about kids and...Oh god.'' 

I covered my face with my hands. I was scared. Megatron and I never talked about kids. Just once we did not use protection and I got pregnant. I could feel tears coming down my eyes. Two strong hands removed my hands away from my face. I looked Megatron in his eyes.

Megatron: ''Don't cry sweet spark. It's not your fault.''

A smile came on his case.

Megatron: ''I am happy.''

I looked at him in shock.

Me: ''Really?''

Megatron: ''Yes. I always wanted to be a father.''

A smile came on my face. I put my arms around him and hugged him. He hugged me back.

Megatron: ''I can't wait to meet our baby.''

Me: ''Me too.''

We looked at each other. Then our lips meet.

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