Pg. 46

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Never had Octavian been so happy, well except when his mother had taught him how to catch his prey, and as she watched him, he did. Watching her happy at seeing that she had taught him well was a joy to him. 

But now Natasha had all the visions at once it would be easier for him to explain everything to her from his lineage to what part she played in it and maybe, just maybe this would be the day that would open the door to his future she asked him to turn her.

Or the day where at least he heard the words, 'I love you with all my heart tonight come in my room,' but alas he knew he would not because Maximillian had said they would have to be married first as she was a virgin in both worlds.

Besides he would want it no other way. "Natasha, I know what each vision means and I will explain them to you but I will need help from Maximillian and he usually is in his library which is perfect as it is quiet. Before we go as we will be in there sometime would you like to take something to eat to the library, a fruit or such?"

"No, I'm fine with the breakfast I had." "Then let's go find Maximillian in the library. He is almost always there, he doesn't enjoy watching television or outdoor sports too much his fun is in books," once they arrived at the library Octavian rapped on the door and they got a "come in" response from Maximillian.

"My dear Natasha, how are you doing this morning?" "I am doing well just confused with certain things that I have shared with Octavian and maybe he said you could help me understand some of these visions and I hope so." "Just tell me and we will see."

As Maximillian and Octavian could talk mentally Octavian took the time to let his brother know that the reason he came to him was that he was nervous something he didn't think he would be when the time came around. Maximillian let him know that he was nervous because she was the one, he let him know that soon they would be as one for he had seen that her visions were from his birth until now and past their wedding. He also congratulated his brother because he knew she was the one when as he heard her recounted the visions she didn't falter or was scared.

Maximillian continued listening as he wrote details down, he didn't have to but he wanted her to know he was listening and taking seriously what she was saying.

When she finished, "First of all, I would like to ask you, Natasha, are you scared by the visions or images you have seen?" "Frankly I am more intrigued at knowing what they mean as I know they have to do with Octavian and somehow with me, as well they have to do with the Delacroix family and if I am to be part of this family I want to know and if that is wrong excuse me for being curious."

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