Pg. 142

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She knew they didn't get food but she was going to be sly and ask, "When do we get substance?" They all looked at each other and then at her, the female Daywalkers took off with Sheridan leaving Rebekah with Bellvan, Lord Zela, and Lord Rovir.

Lord Zela was the one who spoke, "My dear Rebekah, here you are not fed, you fend for yourself. The Daywalkers throw animals over the fence and we catch, kill, and feed off of them, we can kill as many as we want but you have to be fast because there are other vampires on the land and they are fast depending on how hungry they are so you have to be alert."

How she hated the idea of running, of sweating. "I take it as soon as I enter into the land, I have to run as if I'm on some island to find a place to sleep and such, in other words, I have to think of this as if I'm a survivor of a ship, what a fucking bitch." She gave Bellvan her arm and got her mark and with each Lord, on each side of her, she entered the land that would be her hellhole for a couple of days.

Good thing they had given her some substance before she was to enter. It would last her a couple of days, enough for her to look around this hellhole and find a way out, she had to look around this place quickly to find how to get out as the wedding was in days. She didn't know what happened with her helpers who came along with them. She let them study to become Sheras so they could be on the convoy and they didn't do a fucking thing. Didn't even know which route they were going to take.

It looked as if they were hypnotized, were they? Was it Natasha? If it was her, how? She couldn't explain many things when it came to that fucking bitch but right now, she had to put that on the back burner.

Right now as soon as the gates opened she was going to enter to first find a place to sleep where no one would bother her because she needed to rest her mind. Even though she wanted out of this god-forsaken place and needed to find the right spot where to get out without being seen but was not going to get anywhere if she was tired. The only way to do that was to think of a way out but when her mind was rested and it would have to be tomorrow.

Natasha could hear the ramblings of Rebekah's mind and she laughed, 'Yes, she's right, she will not make it alive, she will be dead and if she comes back she will be dead at my hand.'

But Natasha was not going to help her escape for the pleasure of killing her. But she would set a Shera to watch her in case she was able to escape. Natasha didn't want Rebekah killing anyone just so she could reach the wedding. As such, Natasha took into confidence a Shera, Valeska because she saw the sadness of what Rebekah had done to her and knew she would be perfect as she would not let Rebekah out of her sight. 

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