Pg. 36

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"Now there is only one more brother you have to meet and that is Edmondo, he is the youngest. You will see that he likes to be different from the rest of us, he says 'difference is what makes you better or something like that." Just as they were walking down the hall he was telling her about the mansion and about the different rooms Edmondo showed up.

"Hey big brother, what's going on, Max told me you were looking for me." "Yes, I wanted Natasha to formally meet you since you saw each other in the kitchen, my love this is my little brother, Edmondo who as you can see doesn't love us and wanted to be so different that he went and even colored his hair but I like it."

"It's a pleasure Edmondo and I also like it, you look handsome." "I like her already, Natasha if you ever get tired of Octavian, look no further for I will be here. Age is no issue." She looked at him and smiled, she never knew her mother's bosses to be this nice as she even referred to them as dominating taskmasters at one time and she could not believe someone could be so cruel to an elderly lady.

Her mother didn't tell her about her bosses but she did tell her how they treated her badly, how they made her work hard, carrying clothes up and down the stairs but now she sees how that was a lie because there were no rooms upstairs.

Octavian had explained the layout of the mansion and one thing that stood out was that his room as well as the rest of the bedrooms, were on the first floor, the only room on the second floor was hers so how was Carminia taking loads of clothes up the stairs? to who? It could not be to Mr. Lawrence because he stayed in the guest house towards the back of the mansion.

All Natasha saw was that when they called her mother for after-hours, they paid her well and always asked IF she wanted to come to help it wasn't a YOU HAVE TO COME situation, she knew because she could hear the conversation. Her mother always went to help to get the extra money for Damon's tuition, but now she sees the kind of men they are, what will her mother do when she sees her here? 

Octavian wanted her to rest, "Now that you have met my brothers if you need anything and I am not around, feel free to ask them," Edmondo looked at her and in a whisper said "Especially me," Octavian heard him and told him to get going letting him know where the other two were, Edmondo took off laughing. "Little brothers," he rolled his eyes, "now my love, let me show you your bedroom." 

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