Pg. 171

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After everyone clapped when the song was finished and the newly engaged couple walked off the dance floor Bellvan knew it was time for him to make his move and decided that if he didn't talk to Anastasia now he would never get his nerves up again.

He noticed Anastasia was by the cupcake table and walked over to her. "Anastasia, could I talk to you for a minute?" She turned around hearing his voice. She could sense the beating of his heart as he was coming near her, it was beating faster and faster as it reached her. 

"Yes, what can I do for you Bellvan?" How he wishes he could just grab her right there and then put her on his horse and just take her home with him but if he did, he knew she could kill him in a second as good as a Shera as she was. Next to Valeska, she was the second-best Shera that followed.

"Anastasia, would you like to go for a walk with me outside?" She didn't want to because she wanted all to see but if that was the only way she would get him to tell her then might as well. "Sure, it would be nice to get some night air." 

As they walked, he started to tell her the feelings he had in his heart for her but the reasons why he hadn't told her. "Anastasia, do you think it would be possible for you to accept me to be the man who loves you for the rest of your life?"

"I hope that this will answer you," he hoped that it wasn't that she was going to cut him in two or cut something he truly needed but she surprised him when what she did was passionately kiss him and she didn't stop there.

Her hand leaves her thick black hair and reaches for him. Feeling how thick he was and noticed that all the talk that went around about him was true. For once rumors were true and she wanted to mark him like only he knew she could.

Since they were in an area where no one would see them if they came out, besides Natasha knew they were there and would not let anyone go that way so they were in the perfect place where she could make him hers.

Anastasia looked at him and he didn't move as she started unzipping his pants, putting her hand on his girth and she started to stroke it. Very slowly at the same time, she rubbed his earlobe and his cock would get harder as he hissed out in a moaning voice, "Oh fuck baby," putting his head back.

She got on her knees and as his cock was so rigid and erect, she knew what he longed for from her he would get although he hadn't asked, she was sure he thought about it many times and her orgasmic pleasure wanted it on this night. 

She started to kiss the tip and then blew on it softly, making him moan out loud with pleasure. Slowly she started to take his cock part by part, licking the sides and letting him feel her teeth and most of all her fangs as she softly let them touch his cock. 

As she gets into the pace sucking his cock, he holds her head. He has never had someone give him a blow job this good before and he feels in heaven, all of a sudden, his body is ready to come, and when he does, she feels this hot molten cream going down her throat. 

Salty but sweet to her because it comes from him but before she lets go of his cock without him even noticing she has tattooed his cock with her initials using her fangs. "Now tell me Bellvan, does that answer the question you asked me earlier?" "Very much so I love you my Anastasia." "As do I Bellvan. I also have been feeling something for you but have never said anything for fear that I may have been wrong but if you hadn't said anything to me tonight I would have broke tradition and told you myself."

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