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"Ms. Edevane, do you think that anyone else besides us knows what happens in Mansion Delacroix?" "No Lawrence, and if they do, they know it is better to keep quiet than to say anything for fear of seeing their last day on this earth so it's better we don't even talk about it."

"Thank you for the ride home, and be careful on the way back, I will see you tomorrow, goodnight, Lawrence." "Goodnight Ms. Edevane." 

She sat in a chair and pulled off her shoes, how her feet ached but this is the life she had to live until her days ended. She remembers how when Michael died, she went looking for work and no one wanted to hire her saying she was too old. But one day she got her nerves together and walked to the Delacroix Mansion to ask if they required hiring a cook, or a maid.

Edmondo, who had answered the door, asked her to come back around 8:00 p.m. to talk. When she returned, she was confronted by five handsome men all of whom over towered her as she was short. This time Edmondo seemed more alert than he had when she had come earlier in the day.

He told her to tell her brothers what she was offering and she again asked if they needed a maid or a cook, they asked why and she sort of pleaded her case, they liked the way she set forth the way she really wanted the job and why and hired her and to her joy gave her a week's pay upfront if she stayed that night to cook. Of course, she did but she didn't know why nor what kind of guests were coming that night nor why.

That was her first look at a fed, fuck, feed party, the first time she saw how they brought women chained up and took them to the dungeon-like fresh meat and others that came of their own choice. 

After the party and before she left, they made her sign an NDC. She asked for a pen but so it could be binding for them it had to be signed with her blood as such they pricked her finger and in front of all 5, she signed which was when she saw what they were.

For once it was not all rumor that she had heard in town but she did not care, she needed money to feed her children and herself and as long as they didn't feed on her she was fine.

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