Pg. 175

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The judges decided to stay at the Delacroix mansion a little while longer because they needed to talk to Maximillian, they had to start making plans for the ball of the Red Moon. Once Octavian and Natasha returned from their honeymoon all arrangements had to be made for the ball of the Red Moon. Because they would be named King and Queen over the covens and all clans under their jurisdiction that had signed the treaty.

"Maximillian, how many days are the newlyweds going to be on their honeymoon?" "The reservations were made for two weeks, after that they should be back here, why Judge Blair?" "Because we would like to start on the arrangements for the ball of the Red Moon as we want to name your brother and Princess Natasha as soon as possible King and Queen. I would like to do it before I return home as I don't like to travel and wouldn't want to leave to have to return de novo."

Judge Trenton joined them, "Maximillian you know that like any other male I want him to enjoy his honeymoon but it would be good to get this out of the way as we have our respective clans to get back to." "Please forgive me gentlemen but if there was such a rush to name him and my sister Natasha then why didn't you sit with them before they left and let them know that it was an urgent matter? If it had been me that is what I would have done."

Maximillian didn't want to seem disrespectful in any way but couldn't they see that his brother had waited for Natasha for centuries? And they should have talked to them before they left on their honeymoon. Octavian was flying the plane so it wasn't as if they had to be at the airport because they were going to miss a flight.

They looked at him because although they were the Council sometimes, they got so caught up in things that sometimes the simplest thing just slipped their minds, and this time what slipped their mind was telling Octavian that although it was fine to go and enjoy his wedding yet he also needed to come back soon because both of them were needed.

They needed to crown them at the coming of the new moon; the red moon. They would be crowned at the ball of the Red Moon, and just like with the wedding, arrangements needed to be made for the coronation also.

Octavian's family members had said goodbye and taken off to their separate homes and said they would return when it was time for the red ball. Nikolaj decided he would stick around so he could spend time with Edmondo.

Omeira also stayed around so that she could spend time with Alaric who sent Seigui to take care of the clan with Valeska while he stayed not only for Omeira but to bury the ashes of Rebekah as she had since died. Some of Rebekah's ashes Judge Elizabeth wanted to be placed in a small vial so she could wear on a necklace as a reminder that she was dead.

The other clans had gone back to their own homes and continued their lives this time even happier now that they knew that Rebekah was dead. Her clan, the Shadow Covet, was now under the command of Tarek. With certain conditions and under a watchful eye.

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