Pg. 87

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As they were walking holding hands Octavian asked Natasha, "My love, how does it feel to know that we are completely bonded and that in a couple of weeks, we will be closer than any two people can be?" "I have such happiness inside that can only be described by saying that it feels like I have found the end of the rainbow and you are there with the pot of gold waiting to give me a kiss that will seal our lips until eternity of our lives which right now thinking about will be true."

"I feel the same way and darling don't pay no mind to Rebekah, she will be trying to get on your nerves and under your skin to make your blood boil tonight, she wants to show the Judges that you are not worthy of being the princess of the Delacroix mansion and clan someday and if you were to fall into her hands they might take that into consideration."

"You mean that little frail bitch? Oh, my love, the dirt on which I walk is smarter than she is," Octavian started to laugh, "why do you say that baby?" "Because if she thought that the little comment dripping in sarcasm was going to get under my skin, she would have to learn that it takes much but much more than that to get under my skin. That bitch has met the match that can burn and destroy her so she better not light it because otherwise, it will be bye-bye." 

"Now go to the ballroom, I am going to change into my gown," in that instant, he saw his mother's face in Natasha's and knew Max had not lied to him. "Alright my love, I will be there when you come back."

Their mother was in Natasha, she had blessed their union with her and was happy. These past days he had been wishing his mother were there so she could have met Natasha and she could have shown everyone if she liked her which he knew she would, he knew they would have gotten along very well, and here comes Max who gave him this beautiful surprise.

Now besides the love of his life, he also had the approval of his mother and everyone in his family which to him was the best gift he could have received. 

"Now that you are completely my sis," said Edmondo when she walked into the ballroom, "do you think you could get Nikolaj to stop setting me with Annalisa?"

Before Natasha said anything Octavian said, "Edmondo, tell Nikolaj yourself, you are a big boy, Annalisa is looking at you right now, maybe you two could go necking after the ball." By then Nikolaj was near and had heard what Octavian said and started laughing, "Good one cuz," turning to Edmondo he said, "Now, now Edmondo, Annalisa is asking for you."

"You fucking prick the only reason she is asking for me is that you keep trying to set us up and I don't like the bitch. Why don't you take her out? or take out her cousin Portia? I'm not in the mood for your games Nikolaj." Then Edmondo looked around and with a smile on his face turned back to Nikolaj and said, "I will be back."

"Edmondo no, EDMONDO!!!" By then he had left, "What is wrong now Nikolaj?" asked Natasha, "I forgot that Annalisa's second cousin is here and she is like how do I say, let's put it this way, if Edmondo tells her that I have been looking at her she will believe I'm in love with her and will be following me throughout the ball, even going to uncle and telling him that I promised marriage into our coven to be with her, I have to catch him before he finds her."

Natasha tried not to laugh but it was hard. "Run go Nikolaj and find him hurry."  

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