Chapter 6

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As she passed the stores, she looked in the windows to see if there was something that would stand out from the dresses on the mannequins and that is when she saw the dress that she knew would be on her when her love would take her from this world into his world. 

Looking down the sidewalk she waved at Carminia to hurry up but since she wouldn't hurry up, she didn't wait for her, she wanted that beautiful dress and wasn't going to waste any time waiting for her mother, she walked into the store and found the saleslady asking her quickly if they had that specific dress in her size. 

When she tried it on it fit like a glove on a hand as if it had been just for her, she gave it to the saleslady who was waiting outside of the dressing room as she came out. She now needed to find some heels to match it as well as earrings to match because she wouldn't need a necklace, on any other night she would but not on this night. 

Carminia didn't know what was going to happen but at least she knew they were not going to feed her to then do something else because if they were, they would already have done that. What could it be? She knew with the way Natasha had just snapped at her she wasn't going to tell her and she could not ask Lawrence because he did not know that she was her daughter. She would have to figure it out all by herself.

As Natasha came out of the store, she felt free, something she hadn't felt in a long time. "Natasha, that is a pretty dress you bought, you going to a party?" "Now, now, I told you, you have no right to ask anything anymore, consider me a caged bird you had and set free for monetary gain so please don't ask questions, just join me and no questions shall we mother? And don't worry, Octavian will not know that you are my mother."

"Why do you suddenly hate me so much? You decided to go to the auction. What did those monsters put into your head?" "They are not monsters and those sweet men did nothing to me, and I don't hate you, if I hated you when Octavian brought you to meet me, I would have told him right there you were my mother. I decided to go because I always did what you told me. I worried you would ruin my relationship with Damon or make me feel guilty I didn't contribute to him being able to go. Come to think about it if Damon wanted to, he could have worked after school instead of going off to fuck Lydia."

Caminia could not believe that Natasha was talking to her in this way, she was always the quiet type, those men had brought out a side of her daughter she didn't know existed and didn't like. 

And, what could she be shopping for? Why won't Natasha tell her? She wasn't perfect, she knew she made an error taking her to the auction but now it had cost her everything. Natasha spoke the truth, all the sacrifices she had made for Damon and Lydia had already talked to him but she, his mother, had yet to hear from him.

"Natasha, you said that Octavian wants to know who your mother is, why?" "Because he says he wants to rip her to shreds for taking me to sell because what kind of evil woman would take a daughter who is a virgin and sacrifice her to a bunch of depraved and sexual degenerates for the sake of another when she could if she worked and was a good employer could have asked her boss they might have lent it to her."

She now knew that her life was in the hands of her daughter, the one she took to sell, and although she didn't want to say it, she better obey the lady of the house.

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