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As she stood there looking at him, knowing that from now on he would be hers until like the vows say, 'til death do us part, as in their world there was no divorce made her happier than anything else on this world except for the fact that she knew his parents had blessed their union and they as well as all of his family had accepted her.

Judge Cassius saw the happiness on their faces and how she glowed and knew they were made for each other. No one could have any doubts if they were made for each other or their love. His feelings as a person and as a judge told him that there was no way anyone could tell him or any of the other judges that this was make-believe. That she was after his money after his title or after wanting to be the next queen. No, this was genuine love.

If Victoire and Rowen were here they would glow with such pride, happiness, and love for these two-thought judge Cassius but now it was time to start before Octavian called for a forward of the vows which he did not want to happen as he didn't officiate too many weddings. And when he did it wasn't a wedding for a future king and queen of the clans and having that in mind, he didn't want to have to skip any part of the wedding.

"Welcome to this beautiful night and this even more beautiful event," Rebekah thought, 'the windbag has opened his mouth to start letting hot air out and this is nothing of a beautiful event, just get it over with so that the real beautiful event can start.'

"On this night we will unite two hearts that through the years have looked for each other and have finally found one another and after reaching out towards one another now yearn to want to be together to unite completely, first Octavian made her his, then she drank of his blood filling her heart with him and now they take this step-in front of all of us to unite completely as a couple."

Octavian could not believe that this beautiful being in front of him was the woman that in minutes would soon be his wife and besides that, she had given his mother such a high honor by wearing her wedding dress which he didn't even know was still saved. How he loved her and could not wait to say his vows to make her completely his by kissing her in front of Judge Cassius and saying I DO!

After Judge Cassius had gone through the normal of reading the wedding book which was a mandate, he said the words that Octavian, as well as Natasha, wanted to hear, "Now let's pass on to the vows, Maximillian could you please bring a microphone so that all may hear their vows." Rebekah thought, 'omg can't they finish already?'

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