Pg. 138

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Rebekah knew she did wrong but hey what the fuck? All her friends had their mates and she wasn't going to stay alone but it didn't matter as here it was eons but hundreds of eons later and she was still alone and her friends were either mated and happy with their eternal mates or in the case of others Sheras. And some of the best might she add.

But she can't say all her friends had happy endings as some like her were left going from place to place without anything to do, having anyone in their life as they had no mate. Planning and hoping that the next time they turn the corner something good awaits them.

The planning of her friends had always been for the good of humans as for the good of themselves. Her friends never lost hope of finding happiness for they might find their mate as many worked in regular jobs. Some went to college as the sun didn't affect them. Many things could be accomplished when you were a moroi that could live in the sun.

But now to play nice and fuck, the leader of the Daywalkers was fucking looking hot, why didn't anyone tell her? Maybe she would have done something worse to get the attention of the Council if she would have known how fucking good-looking he was.

"Here is the prisoner Alaric," "Thank you Valeska." Alaric could see the tears in Valeska's eyes but she was strong and wouldn't let them drop. After a nod to him and the rest, she turned around and went to her horse that she took to the servants of the Daywalkers so they could feed and water him.

Lord Rovir upon looking at Rebekah in shackles said, "Rebekah dear, I don't whether to feel happy because you have finally been caught or privileged because I'll be on the same land you are," as he looked up and made the motion as if he was thinking about it, he then said, "no my dear there's no thinking about it, I'm thrilled the Council finally was able to find something to have you banished."

Then Lord Zela spoke but this time he wasn't speaking in the close uncle's voice as he usually did to her. Now he was talking to her with a strong authoritative voice, a voice she didn't recognize.

"Rebekah, we have been sent the information from Judge Cassius and you are to report to Lord Rovir at the time that he gives you and if you don't, he will give you a punishment. Whenever he gives a punishment, it will be of his own doing and you must do as he says. Another thing is that as stated here on the papers that Alaric has given me, you aren't a Sire anymore so one of the female Daywalkers will take you to change out of your leader's robe."

He continued talking, "You have also been stripped of all your powers as well as your rank, you will only be known as Rebekah, here you have no clan nor loyal, and if it is found that you are trying to form a clan you will be dealt with. Before you enter into the Land of the Souls you need to know that things have changed." She quickly looked at Alaric and he smiled at her and said, "Play nice kitty."

"Rebekah, before entering one of the female Daywalkers will give you a full check over and blood bath, will give you substance, and change your clothes, then she will bring you to Bellvan who will place an invisible tattoo on you." She thought it was a day at the spa until he said an invisible tattoo.

"An invisible tattoo?" "Yes, an invisible tattoo," said Sheridan, "it's a tattoo we place on the wrist and if you try to escape the lasers you see on the fence will fry your fucking ass." Bellvan looked at him and said, "Rebekah, is it?" "Yes, please explain." Valeska loved the look of surprise on Rebekah's. Everyone knew one way she would make her way to the

"We place a tattoo on you to keep count of you instead of writing your name and assigning a number but if you try to remove the tattoo you won't be able to because it's done like in the nightclubs, with invisible ink or ultraviolet light and the tattoo moves on your body so you won't know where it is and as Sheridan so rudely put it if you jump the fence to escape the laser will pick up the tattoo and kill you instantly."

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