Pg. 47

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"No, my dear, there is nothing to do with being curious and yes, these visions have so much to do with our family and much more with Octavian and you so let us start shall we."

"The first vision you saw, the old man was our Demetrius, our grandfather and he was teaching my brothers and me the language of Slavic, which is the language we speak when there is no one else around."

"The second vision you saw is a little more complicated so I need you to pay attention and please what I tell you in this room and from now on have to stay with us because if someone else were to find out all of us which now includes you, could be in danger." His piercing eyes looked at her and she nodded because she could not speak wondering what he had to say that would put them in danger.

"Natasha, the beautiful lady that you saw giving birth was our mother, Victoire and the brother that you saw in the kitchen was I, she was giving birth to Edmondo, she was screaming like no other woman because he was a pure born and on the way was sucking of her, enjoying the fruit of her blood for to him that was as delicious as milk is to human babies."

Octavian was looking at her to see if she would call them crazy and fly out the door but she continued to listen to Maximillian, "Natasha we are not the same as everyone you have known, my brothers including Octavian are what people have described as the cold ones, the bloodsuckers or the vampires of the night, and in the vision, you saw our mother with blood-red eyes because she had just fed to be able to nourish Edmondo as he came out and well now that you know she was a vampire you understand why the fangs."

She looked at Maximillian and instead of asking something stupid the only words that came out of her mouth were, "Your mother was a very beautiful woman, but a question, are all of you, purebreed vampires?" This time Octavian spoke, "Yes, my love we are, the other vision you had of the bedsheets running with the color of blood signifies when on occasion we have had to feed in our rooms because Mrs. Edevane is here and she doesn't know about us. And since you now know what I am, you will comprehend why you saw blood slipping from my fangs." 

"What about the wedding vision?" She was hoping it was what she thought because her heart was growing closer to Octavian and if it meant she was to be his she would be delighted. She didn't care what he was or what his family was, every family had bad apples, she had to maintain her composure and not start laughing.

Maximillian sitting down next to her tells her, "My dear the following visions you saw were of upcoming events that are to come in your life if you so desire to choose Octavian as your beloved for, I am sure he has told you, you are not a prisoner in this mansion but a guest. The wedding would be here at night because of what we are and, of course, our family which in reality are just different clans which were turned by my parents and went off after my parents were killed."

"I know that in one of the visions you also saw what your dress and bouquet will look like as well as your tiara and veil." "Yes, but something about that, the tiara looked more like a royalty-type crown instead of a regular bridal tiara, why is that?"

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