Pg. 74

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As the days went by Natasha saw that Nikolaj wasn't lying, 'family' members came, starting with Nikolaj's sisters by 'bite' as well as other members of the family. She was happy to see that they were a close-knit family. 

She just loved how every time someone new arrived, Edmondo would go happy crazy and if she wasn't in the room he would take the person's hand, no matter if he or she said she would find me later, he didn't care. He would go looking for her with the person in tow and introduce her to everyone as his loving sister.

Those words coming from him made her feel so nice inside. She had grown to love him as her little brother and could not see herself without him in her life. She had even expressed this to Octavian. "My love, he feels the same way as he has told Maximillian. He said you would be his sister until eternity and Max laughed but he forgets this is the only family where you can say I love you until eternity and it will come true."

Being changed wasn't what movies show it to be and as such, she hadn't given it much thought as of course she wasn't climbing the walls for blood or leaping the castle walls or anything as such and he let her know he was giving her something she always wanted, a true love that was forever.

When the family members came to the mansion she didn't know if it was some kind of test as Octavian nor Maximillian had told her another, but they would talk to her in Slavic. But then she remembered in her talks with Maximillian and Octavian they said when they are in the family setting or around others of their kind, they speak in their spoken language.

Since they knew that Octavian had turned her, they figured she must understand, and for this reason, we're talking to her in Slavic. Although some maybe wanted to see if she understood it. Seeing that she did and would respond to it brought a look of surprise to some and a look of joy to others. 

Her knowing the language meant to them that she was indeed bonded to Octavian as his knowledge had bonded with her brain neurons making her his true mate, and indeed, she belonged where she was.

 As they spent time with her, they noticed how she took to them as part of the big family they were going to be, she didn't treat them as outsiders nor in any way try to isolate herself from them. Didn't look at them strangely but treated them normally.

From the members of the family that had arrived, she recognized some of the women as the ones that had appeared in her dream and had come into her room to help her dress for her wedding. Could some of the younger women here be taking part in my bridal party? That was a question that lingered in her mind. It was the most important day for any girl, she had no family, except these beautiful people who loved her, the answer was easy.

Just then one of the older women that were visiting came to her, "Natasha my dear, thank you for being such a lovely host and for opening your doors days before the ceremony which you didn't have to." And she kissed her on the cheek, Natasha didn't know that she was Octavian's great-great-aunt, Ambrosine.

"Thank you for joining us on our special day and having you here days earlier has been a joy for me because it has given me a chance to get to know you better. I should be the one to thank you for making me feel welcome into your family."

"My dear Natasha, my nephew has received a blessing when he was mated with you for no other would speak such beauty as you have. Your heart is pure although your soul is sad but don't worry dear, we love you and bless this union." She took out a red bracelet.

"On the day that I did my ceremony my mother gave me this now I want to pass it on to you," "but I couldn't," "Yes you can and you will my dear." She took Natasha's wrist and put it on her. "May you both always endure everything that comes your way and much more." And she sealed her words with a kiss and a hug.

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