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"My love, how do I look?" "If it were not because this is our special day, I would tell you to take it off because every man in this room is salivating over you. You look beautiful, if we did not have a way of doing things, I would take you to my bed right this moment and tell everyone to leave. Why do you pain me such my love?"

She looked at him with sultry eyes and whispered, "Čoskoro sa budeš môcť milovať so mnou a podieľať sa na šťavách môjho tela." (Soon you will be able to make love to me and partake of the juices of my body.) When he heard that it was as if she had ignited his body on fire. She knew and smiled as she licked her lips, letting him know that after everyone left, she would please him in some way so as not to leave him desiring too much.

Where had this woman been all his life? His heart was hurting but it was because the life strings of his and her heart were pulling tighter together than they would ever be about. They would now be forever bound.

After they did their dance and everyone clapped Rebekah still had to have her way and went up to them, "Excuse me, Natasha is it?" "Yes," "my name is..." "I do not need to know your name because neither you nor your name is of any importance to me, so please tell me what can I do for you?" 

Maximillian saw Natasha's face and knew something was wrong because it was just like his mother and was walking towards her. Rebekah didn't like the way Natasha answered her, "What do you mean you do not need to know my name because it is not important? I am a Sire of a clan and I am important."

By then the Judges had edged within earshot of the conversation. Natasha was not going to back down so early in Rebekah's game. "Listen, you are important to your clan, the Shadow Covet, and whoever is loyal to you. You are not above any other clan leader because if that were so when I was told who the important names I should remember your name would have been on the list and it did not come up making you just another common Vampirizza, ktorý si myslí, že je lepšia ako ostatní a vy nie ste tak vziať čip z ramena, teraz, čo chcete?" (vampirizza who thinks she is better than the rest and you are not so take the chip off your shoulder, now what do you want?"

Rebekah was going to let it slide although she was furious, she would get back at her. The Judges were happy with the answer that Natasha gave her and walked away joyful at seeing that Natasha nor Octavian did anything to her.

But Rebekah had to keep at it, this time she said, "Natasha, It is a tradition that the head of all clans dance with the future bridegroom so may I please dance with Octavian?" "That is a tradition?" "Yes." Rebekah was laughing inside thinking she had caught Natasha with something so simple but things started to go the wrong way for Rebekah yet again.

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