Chapter 12

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Valeska took off in the early light without saying anything to anyone. Natasha looked out her window wishing her a safe ride and an even safer return, she knew she could count on Valeska because of the great enemy they had in common. And knew that for as much as Valeska wanted Rebekah dead, she wouldn't kill her because her joy would come from seeing her die at the hands of another as long as she could see it.

What Rebekah did to Valeska just because she wanted a mate was uncalled for, especially knowing that Valeska, as well as her fiancée Frenico, were innocent in her game. Frenico died holding on to his heart for he wanted to die holding on to the one thing in this world that brought him happiness in times of sorrow and that was his heart because Valeska was in it. From what she 'found out' the Council was able to forgive the kissing incident but it was not able to forgive the fact that Frenico had relations with Rebekah without them knowing that she was shape-shifting into Valeska.

Natasha saw how much it hurt Valeska to see the ashes of Frenico flying around and she couldn't keep even one because it was forbidden. She had vowed that one day she would get back at Rebekah, when she did then she could let go of the ashes she had in her heart for Frenico. Then she could go and be happy with the man who now loved her and waited for her with patience.

It seemed that a special man had filled her heart with love again. After what happened with Frenico Valeska thought she would never love again. But then she met Sergiu. Recently he had professed his love to her and she had accepted him, even letting herself be mated to him. He was a very special man. They made a very cute couple and Sergiu was Octavian's chosen guard, which made it easy when they wed as they would both be in the mansion.

Natasha saw that the only way for not only Valeska to be happy and her but the whole Realm of Covens would be if Rebekah were dead forever. And that coming very soon because she would be at the wedding and the wedding would be the pinnacle of her existence.

When Octavian came to walk down to breakfast with his future bride, she mentioned to him about Valeska and Sergiu and told him not to say anything in case no one knew yet and he promised to keep it all quiet. She wanted him to know because as Sergiu was his guard he needed to know he had to stay neutral because in case of a battle who would Sergiu save, Valeska or Octavian, just like Valeska, who would Valeska save Natasha or Sergiu? 

Although Natasha didn't need saving. But, no one knew that as of yet and she wanted it to stay that way a little while longer. For Octavian's peace of mind and everyone else's mind, she had accepted, choosing a guard for herself.

Besides, the Judges said that part of the future queen was to have her security.

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