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As the day was winding down everyone was going through the motions of what they had to do. Mr. Cadmino had come and had set up the cake which looked just beautiful. The caterers were fixing the hall and they had told her that it looked beautiful.

Just as when she was going to get married it was the same on this day, Natasha could not see her king before the coronation. And as tradition called, since the royal blood was from his mother's side Natasha was to be helped to be bathed and perfumed, and dressed by Ambrosine, his great-great-aunt. The one who would bathe and dress Octavian would be his great-great-uncle, Adelrick.

Ambrosine could not believe she was alive to see the new queen of the house of Delacroix and much less help with the preparations of the dressing of the new queen. In a thousand years would she ever think she would have taken part in this process and here she was and much more with a woman that she saw as a daughter and she knew that Octavian's mother would have loved just the same. If she only knew that Natasha had the power to know what she was thinking, Natasha appreciated the fact that she treated her as a daughter.

After getting out of the bathtub Ambrosine rubbed her body in an oil scented with camellia flower and jasmine.  "My dear, never in all my life did or would I have ever thought that I would be bathing and preparing for her coronation the next queen of the house of Delacroix, and here I am. And not only are you the next queen but you also happen to be the lovely wife of my nephew whom I love with all my heart. You will make a great queen and together with your king by your side our Clans and all that belongs to us will flourish, I do not doubt that."

When Ambrosine looked at the clock, she saw it was time to put on her gown, and helped her do her hair and her makeup which didn't take much because she had noticed that Natasha was not the sort of woman that wore a lot of makeup. After she was ready all, they had to do was wait until one of the Councilmen came to get her because no family member could walk her to the coronation steps it had to be a Council member, and at that, one of the men.

When she walked down the stairs her mind traveled back to a couple of weeks when she was walking down those same steps to meet the man of her dreams to unite with him in matrimony but on this day, she was coming down to be crowned queen to be by his side to unite Clans.

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