Pg. 51

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"My love, you need to go to town and find yourself two gowns, one should be red and white which will be for the betrothal ceremony and the other should be a gown that is completely red for the betrothal ball showing that you have already drunk from my blood and we are mated. I will talk to Mrs. Edevane to leave the chores for today and go shopping with you, I will stay and help Maximillian with the guest list."

She was so happy she had finally found the man she had dreamt of one day finding, a man that would love, respect, and care for her above many other things and she had found all that in Octavian. Now, what would she tell her mother when she asked what she needed the gowns for because she was sure to ask? But then again what would it matter, she didn't need to know anything anymore, her parental rights culminated the day she chose Damon over her.

Besides she was now the lady of the house and would know what to say. Her mother was not her boss anymore, in fact, no one was, she was free to lead her own life and that life only included one other person at the moment and that was Octavian.

As she looked, he was coming with her mother next to him, "My love, here is my card, it doesn't matter the amount, just that you like it, here is what you need to get just in case you forget the color." 

She smiled at him and he softly kissed her after first brushing his lips on hers, Carminia wanted to scream and tell him to get away from Natasha but she knew she had no right anymore, she had lost control over her daughter when she said goodbye. After all the women who had come into the mansion and all the things that they had done with them which she never knew but must have not been good, here he was kissing her daughter. How it made the hairs on her body stand on end her not being able to say something.

As Carminia and Natasha turned to leave out the door, "Bye my love, I will see you later for our date," "Yes Natasha, our garden date which I wouldn't miss for anything in the world." He winked at her and Carminia wished she knew what this was all about. Lawrence was waiting for them as he was the one who would be taking them into town. She still wished she knew what was going on but she could not ask. 

Once they were in town and far from the ears of the 'princes' or Lawrence, "Natasha, why did you not tell me you had fallen into the hands of my bosses." "Why did you not tell me how sweet and considerate and so much more they were wait a minute why do I have to tell you anything? Remember, you took me to sell, I'm not your property anymore as such I don't have to answer you anymore."

"Natasha, you were not my property, you were my daughter," "Correction, I was your property because you do not take a daughter to sell as you took me, you took me to get money to send your beloved son whom you have always loved more than I to college, your beloved son who has screwed his girlfriend more times than I can count. Has he even called you once since he left to thank you for the sacrifice you did saving money for him or ever thanked me for the sacrifice I did for that son of a bitch of my brother? The answer is easy, NO!"

Natasha with a reddened face took off down the sidewalk to look for the gowns she needed. She thought that she would also get one for her 'date' tonight as it was something special to her. She left Carminia standing on the sidewalk thinking. She knew that everything Natasha had said was true, she felt so terrible and if the princes knew she was her mother, she didn't even want to think about it.

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