Pg. 189

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"Hello, Mr. Cadmino," in his cheery voice she heard back, "Oh hello Mrs. Delacroix," this was the first time she had heard someone call her 'Mrs. Delacroix' and how nice it sounded to her ears. She replayed it over and over again in her mind and each time she did it sounded better than the last time.

"How may I help you?" he asked her. "We are having a ball in three weeks from today and I was wondering if you would again do us the favor of baking us two cakes that we will need besides some other finger food pastries."

"Mrs. Delacroix, baking is my passion and much more when I do it for such nice people as your husband and you. For a minute there I thought you were going to tell me that maybe one of the other princes was getting married and they needed a wedding cake." "That would be nice but I don't think that will happen anytime soon but they could surprise us Mr. Cadmino."

"Yes, that is true, they could surprise us just like Mr. Octavian surprised everyone when he announced that he was getting married." Although Mr. Cadmino couldn't see her, she couldn't help but blush at him saying that. "Mrs. Cadmino, I have some time tomorrow so I can go to your home to show you some finger food pastries if that is fine with you?" "Yes, that will be fine, and thank you, have a good day Mr. Cadmino."

Then she looked for the phone number of the caterers they had used. "Hello, Mrs. Delacroix, how may we help you?" "My husband and I are having a social event at our mansion, and would like you to cater for it as you did such a wonderful job at our wedding." "When is the date of the event?" "It is set for three weeks from today, will that problem?" "No, we have that day open and will be happy to cater for you."

"Great, would it be possible for you to come to the mansion sometime and look over with me the food that I would like for that occasion?" "No problem, I will go myself, tomorrow around 2:00 p.m. alright with you Mrs. Delacroix?" "Yes, that is fine Mr. Krasniqi." After hanging up she was happy that now she didn't have to worry about the baked goods or the food because both of the people she talked to 'poured' their heart into their work and made sure what they served to others was as if it were for their own families.

The Sacrifice of a VirginOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant